First Steps with Pyccel

This document is meant to give a tutorial-like overview of Pyccel.

The green arrows designate “more info” links leading to advanced sections about the described task.

By reading this tutorial, you’ll be able to:

  • compile a simple Pyccel file
  • get familiar with parallel programing paradigms
  • create, modify and build a Pyccel project.

Install Pyccel

Install Pyccel from a distribution package with

$ python install --prefix=MY_INSTALL_PATH

If prefix is not given, you will need to be in sudo mode. Otherwise, you will have to update your .bashrc or .bash_profile file with. For example:

export PYTHONPATH=MY_INSTALL_PATH/lib/python2.7/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH


add installation using pip

For the moment, Pyccel generates only fortran files. Therefor, you need to have a fortran compiler. To install gfortran, run:

$ sudo apt install gfortran

In order to use the commands pyccel-quickstart and pyccel-build, you will need to install cmake:

$ sudo apt install cmake

Simple Examples

In this section, we describe some features of Pyccel on simple examples.

Hello World

Create a file and copy paste the following lines (be careful with the indentation)

See hello world script.

Now, run the command:

pyccel --execute

the result is:

> * Hello World!!

The generated Fortran code is

program main

implicit none

call helloworld()

! ........................................
subroutine helloworld()
  implicit none

  print * ,'* Hello World!!'

end subroutine
! ........................................


Matrix multiplication

Create a file and copy paste the following lines

See matrix multiplication script.

Now, run the command:

pyccel --execute

This will parse the Python file, generate the corresponding Fortran file, compile it and execute it. The result is:

-1.0000000000000000        0.0000000000000000       -2.0000000000000000        1.0000000000000000

The generated Fortran code is

program main

implicit none
real(kind=8), pointer :: a (:, :)
real(kind=8), pointer :: c (:, :)
real(kind=8), pointer :: b (:, :)
integer :: i
integer :: k
integer :: j
integer :: m   = 4
integer :: n   = 2
integer :: p   = 2

n = 2
m = 4
p = 2
allocate(a(0:n-1, 0:m-1)); a = 0.0
allocate(b(0:m-1, 0:p-1)); b = 0.0
allocate(c(0:n-1, 0:p-1)); c = 0.0
do i = 0, -1 + n, 1
  do j = 0, -1 + m, 1
    a(i, j) = i - j
  end do

end do
do i = 0, -1 + m, 1
  do j = 0, -1 + p, 1
    b(i, j) = i + j
  end do

end do
do i = 0, -1 + n, 1
  do j = 0, -1 + p, 1
    do k = 0, -1 + p, 1
      c(i, j) = a(i, k)*b(k, j) + c(i, j)
    end do

  end do

end do
print * ,c


Functions and Subroutines

Create a file and copy paste the following lines

See functions script.

Now, run the command:

pyccel --execute

This will parse the Python file, generate the corresponding Fortran file, compile it and execute it. The result is:


Now, let us take a look at the Fortran file

program main

implicit none
real(kind=8) :: y1   = 2.00000000000000
real(kind=8) :: x1   = 1.00000000000000
real(kind=8) :: z
real(kind=8) :: t
real(kind=8) :: w

x1 = 1.0d0
y1 = 2.0d0
w = 2*f(x1, y1) + 1.0d0
call g (x1, w, z, t)
print * ,z
print * ,t

! ........................................
real(kind=8) function f(u, v)  result(t)
implicit none
real(kind=8), intent(in)  :: u
real(kind=8), intent(in)  :: v

t = u - v

end function
! ........................................

! ........................................
subroutine g(x, v, t, z)
  implicit none
  real(kind=8), intent(out)  :: t
  real(kind=8), intent(out)  :: z
  real(kind=8), intent(in)  :: x
  real(kind=8), intent(in)  :: v
  real(kind=8) :: m

  m = -v + x
  t = 2.0d0*m
  z = 2.0d0*t

end subroutine
! ........................................


Matrix multiplication using OpenMP


a new example without pragmas


Openmp is activated using the flag –openmp in the command line.

The following plot shows the scalability of the generated code on LRZ using (n,m,p) = (5000,7000,5000).


Weak scalability on LRZ. CPU time is given in seconds.


Speedup on LRZ

Poisson solver using MPI


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