pyccel.codegen package


pyccel.codegen.cmake module

class pyccel.codegen.cmake.CMake(path, prefix=None, flags=None, flags_fortran=None, compiler_fortran=None)[source]

Bases: object

User-friendly class for cmake.

initialize(src_dir, project, suffix, libname, force=True)[source]

pyccel.codegen.codegen module

class pyccel.codegen.codegen.Codegen(expr, name)[source]

Bases: object

Abstract class for code generator.


Returns the AST.


Returns the body of the source code, if it is a Program or Module.


Returns the classes if Module.


Returns the generated code.


Prints the code in the target language.


Returns the AST after Module/Program treatment.


Returns the imports of the source code.


Returns the interfaces.


Returns True if a Module.


Returns True if a Program.


Returns the kind of the source code: Module, Program or None.


Returns the used language


Returns the modules if Program.


Returns the name associated to the source code


Returns functions/subroutines.


Returns the variables of the source code.

class pyccel.codegen.codegen.FCodegen(expr, name)[source]

Bases: pyccel.codegen.codegen.Codegen

pyccel.codegen.compiler module

class pyccel.codegen.compiler.Compiler(codegen, compiler, flags=None, accelerator=None, binary=None, debug=False, inline=False, include=[], libdir=[], libs=[], ignored_modules=[])[source]

Bases: object

Base class for Code compiler for the Pyccel Grammar


Returns the used accelerator


Returns the used binary


Returns the used codegen


Compiles the generated file.

verbose: bool
talk more

Returns the used compiler


Constructs compiling flags


Returns True if in debug mode


Returns the used flags


Returns ignored modules


Returns include paths


Returns True if in inline mode


Returns lib paths


Returns libraries to link with


removes the generated files: .pyccel and .f90

filename: str
name of the file to parse.

Execute a binary file.

binary: str
the name of the binary file

returns the extension of a given language.

language: str
low-level target language used in the conversion
pyccel.codegen.compiler.make_tmp_file(filename, output_dir=None)[source]

returns a temporary file of extension .pyccel that will be decorated with indent/dedent so that textX can find the blocks easily.

filename: str
name of the file to parse.
output_dir: str
directory to store pyccel file
pyccel.codegen.compiler.preprocess(filename, filename_out)[source]

The input python file will be decorated with indent/dedent so that textX can find the blocks easily. This function will write the output code in filename_out.

filename: str
name of the file to parse.
filename_out: str
name of the temporary file that will be parsed by textX.

The input python file will be decorated with indent/dedent so that textX can find the blocks easily. This function will write the output code in filename_out.

lines: str or list
python code as a string

Creates a separator string. This is used to improve the readability of the generated code.

n: int
length of the separator

pyccel.codegen.utilities module

pyccel.codegen.utilities.compile_fortran(filename, compiler, flags, binary=None, verbose=False, modules=[], is_module=False, libs=[], output='')[source]

Compiles the generated file.

verbose: bool
talk more
pyccel.codegen.utilities.construct_flags(compiler, fflags=None, debug=False, accelerator=None, include=[], libdir=[])[source]

Constructs compiling flags for a given compiler.

fflags: str
Fortran compiler flags. Default is -O3
compiler: str
used compiler for the target language.
accelerator: str
name of the selected accelerator. One among (‘openmp’, ‘openacc’)
debug: bool
add some useful prints that may help for debugging.
include: list
list of include directories paths
libdir: list
list of lib directories paths
pyccel.codegen.utilities.execute_pyccel(filename, compiler=None, fflags=None, debug=False, verbose=False, accelerator=None, include=[], libdir=[], modules=[], libs=[], binary=None, output='')[source]

Executes the full process: - parsing the python code - annotating the python code - converting from python to fortran - compiling the fortran code.

pyccel.codegen.utilities_old module

pyccel.codegen.utilities_old.build_cmakelists(src_dir, libname, files, force=True, libs=[], programs=[])[source]
pyccel.codegen.utilities_old.build_cmakelists_dir(src_dir, force=True, testing=False)[source]
pyccel.codegen.utilities_old.build_file(filename, language, compiler, execute=False, accelerator=None, debug=False, lint=False, verbose=False, show=False, inline=False, name=None, output_dir=None, ignored_modules=['numpy', 'scipy', 'sympy'], pyccel_modules=[], include=[], libdir=[], libs=[], single_file=True)[source]

User friendly interface for code generation.

filename: str
name of the file to load.
language: str
low-level target language used in the conversion
compiler: str
used compiler for the target language.
execute: bool
execute the generated code, after compiling if True.
accelerator: str
name of the selected accelerator. One among (‘openmp’, ‘openacc’)
debug: bool
add some useful prints that may help for debugging.
lint: bool
uses PyLint for static verification, if True.
verbose: bool
talk more
show: bool
prints the generated code if True
inline: bool
set to True, if the file is being load inside a python session.
name: str
name of the generated module or program. If not given, ‘main’ will be used in the case of a program, and ‘pyccel_m_${filename}’ in the case of a module.
ignored_modules: list
list of modules to ignore (like ‘numpy’, ‘sympy’). These modules do not have a correspondence in Fortran.
pyccel_modules: list
list of modules supplied by the user.
include: list
list of include directories paths
libdir: list
list of lib directories paths
libs: list
list of libraries to link with


>>> from pyccel.codegen import build_file
>>> code = '''
... n = int()
... n = 10
... x = int()
... x = 0
... for i in range(0,n):
...     for j in range(0,n):
...         x = x + i*j
... '''
>>> filename = ""
>>> f = open(filename, "w")
>>> f.write(code)
>>> f.close()
>>> build_file(filename, "fortran", "gfortran", show=True, name="main")
program main
implicit none
integer :: i
integer :: x
integer :: j
integer :: n
n = 10
x = 0
do i = 0, n - 1, 1
    do j = 0, n - 1, 1
        x = i*j + x
    end do
end do
pyccel.codegen.utilities_old.build_testing_cmakelists(src_dir, project, files, force=True, libs=[])[source]
pyccel.codegen.utilities_old.construct_tree(filename, ignored_modules)[source]

Constructs a tree of dependencies given a file to process.


Execute a binary file.

binary: str
the name of the binary file
pyccel.codegen.utilities_old.generate_project_conf(srcdir, project, **settings)[source]

Generates a file for the project.

pyccel.codegen.utilities_old.generate_project_init(srcdir, project, **settings)[source]

Generates a file for the project.

pyccel.codegen.utilities_old.generate_project_main(srcdir, project, extensions, force=True)[source]

Finds the path of a pyccel extension external files.

an external file to pyccel, is any low level code associated to its header(s).

pyccel.codegen.utilities_old.get_extension_path(ext, module=None, is_external=False)[source]

Finds the path of a pyccel extension (.py or .pyh). A specific module can also be given.


Finds the path of a pyccel extension tests.

pyccel.codegen.utilities_old.get_parallel_path(ext, module=None)[source]

Finds the path of a pyccel parallel package (.py or .pyh). A specific module can also be given.

pyccel.codegen.utilities_old.get_stdlib_external_path(ext, module=None)[source]

Finds the path of a pyccel stdlib external package (.py or .pyh). A specific module can also be given.

pyccel.codegen.utilities_old.initialize_project(base_dir, project, libname, settings, verbose=False)[source]
pyccel.codegen.utilities_old.load_extension(ext, output_dir, clean=True, modules=None, silent=True, language='fortran', testing=True)[source]

Load module(s) from a given pyccel extension.

ext: str
a pyccel extension is always of the form pyccelext-xxx where ‘xxx’ is the extension name.
output_dir: str
directory where to store the generated files
clean: Bool
remove all tempororay files of extension pyccel
modules: list, str
a list of modules or a module. every module must be a string.
silent: bool
talk more
language: str
target language
testing: bool
enable unit tests


>>> load_extension('math', 'extensions', silent=False)
>>> load_extension('math', 'extensions', modules=['bsplines'])
>>> load_extension('math', 'extensions', modules='quadratures')
pyccel.codegen.utilities_old.load_module(filename, language='fortran', compiler='gfortran', accelerator=None, debug=False, verbose=False, show=False, inline=False, name=None, output_dir=None, ignored_modules=['numpy', 'scipy', 'sympy'], pyccel_modules=[], include=[], libdir=[], libs=[], single_file=True)[source]

Loads a given filename in a Python session. The file will be parsed, compiled and wrapped into python, using f2py.

filename: str
name of the file to load.
language: str
low-level target language used in the conversion
compiled: str
used compiler for the target language.


>>> from pyccel.codegen import load_module
>>> code = '''
... def f(n):
...     n = int()
...     x = int()
...     x = 0
...     for i in range(0,n):
...         for j in range(0,n):
...             x = x + i*j
...     print("x = ", x)
... '''
>>> filename = ""
>>> f = open(filename, "w")
>>> f.write(code)
>>> f.close()
>>> module = load_module(filename="")
>>> module.f(5)
x =          100

Module contents