Source code for pyccel.codegen.compiler

# coding: utf-8

import os
import subprocess

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[docs]def clean(filename): """ removes the generated files: .pyccel and .f90 filename: str name of the file to parse. """ name = filename.split('.py')[0] for ext in ["f90", "pyccel"]: f_name = name + "." + ext cmd = "rm -f " + f_name os.system(cmd)
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[docs]def make_tmp_file(filename, output_dir=None): """ returns a temporary file of extension .pyccel that will be decorated with indent/dedent so that textX can find the blocks easily. filename: str name of the file to parse. output_dir: str directory to store pyccel file """ name = filename.split('.py')[0] if output_dir: name = os.path.basename(name) name = os.path.join(output_dir, name) return name + ".pyccel"
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[docs]def preprocess_as_str(lines): """ The input python file will be decorated with indent/dedent so that textX can find the blocks easily. This function will write the output code in filename_out. lines: str or list python code as a string """ if type(lines) == str: ls = lines.split("\n") lines = [] for l in ls: lines.append(l + "\n") # # to be sure that we dedent at the end # lines += "\n" lines_new = "" def delta(line): l = line.lstrip(' ') n = len(line) - len(l) return n tab = 4 depth = 0 old_line = "" annotated = "" for i,line in enumerate(lines): n = delta(line) is_empty = (len(line.lstrip()) == 0) is_comment = False if not is_empty: is_comment = (line.lstrip()[0] == '#') skipped = is_empty or is_comment is_annotated = (line.lstrip()[0:2] == '#$') if n == depth * tab + tab: depth += 1 lines_new += "indent" + "\n" lines_new += line elif not skipped: d = n // tab if (d > 0) or (n==0): old = delta(old_line) m = (old - n) // tab depth -= m for j in range(0, m): lines_new += "dedent" + "\n" lines_new += annotated annotated = "" lines_new += line elif is_annotated: annotated += line else: lines_new += line if not skipped: old_line = line for i in range(0, depth): lines_new += "dedent" + "\n" lines_new += annotated return lines_new
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[docs]def preprocess(filename, filename_out): """ The input python file will be decorated with indent/dedent so that textX can find the blocks easily. This function will write the output code in filename_out. filename: str name of the file to parse. filename_out: str name of the temporary file that will be parsed by textX. """ f = open(filename) lines = f.readlines() f.close() lines_new = preprocess_as_str(lines) f = open(filename_out, "w") for line in lines_new: f.write(line) f.close()
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[docs]def execute_file(binary): """ Execute a binary file. binary: str the name of the binary file """ cmd = binary if not ('/' in binary): cmd = "./" + binary os.system(cmd)
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[docs]def get_extension(language): """ returns the extension of a given language. language: str low-level target language used in the conversion """ if language == "fortran": return "f90" else: raise ValueError("Only fortran is available")
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[docs]def separator(n=40): """ Creates a separator string. This is used to improve the readability of the generated code. n: int length of the separator """ txt = "."*n comment = '!' return '{0} {1}\n'.format(comment, txt)
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[docs]class Compiler(object): """Base class for Code compiler for the Pyccel Grammar""" def __init__(self, codegen, compiler, flags=None, accelerator=None, binary=None, debug=False, inline=False, include=[], libdir=[], libs=[], ignored_modules=[]): """ Constructor of the code compiler. codegen: pyccel.codegen.Codegen a generation code object. compiler: str used compiler for the target language. flags: str compiler flags accelerator: str name of the selected accelerator. One among ('openmp', 'openacc') binary: str name of the binary file to generate. debug: bool add some useful prints that may help for debugging. inline: bool set to True, if the file is being load inside a python session. include: list list of include directories paths libdir: list list of lib directories paths libs: list list of libraries to link with ignored_modules: list list of modules to ignore. """ self._codegen = codegen self._compiler = compiler self._binary = binary self._debug = debug self._inline = inline self._accelerator = accelerator self._include = include self._libdir = libdir self._libs = libs self._ignored_modules = ignored_modules if flags: self._flags = flags else: self._flags = self.construct_flags() @property def codegen(self): """Returns the used codegen""" return self._codegen @property def compiler(self): """Returns the used compiler""" return self._compiler @property def flags(self): """Returns the used flags""" return self._flags @property def binary(self): """Returns the used binary""" return self._binary @property def debug(self): """Returns True if in debug mode""" return self._debug @property def inline(self): """Returns True if in inline mode""" return self._inline @property def accelerator(self): """Returns the used accelerator""" return self._accelerator @property def include(self): """Returns include paths""" return self._include @property def libdir(self): """Returns lib paths""" return self._libdir @property def libs(self): """Returns libraries to link with""" return self._libs @property def ignored_modules(self): """Returns ignored modules""" return self._ignored_modules
[docs] def construct_flags(self): """ Constructs compiling flags """ # TODO use constructor and a dict to map flags w.r.t the compiler _avail_compilers = ['gfortran', 'mpif90', 'pgfortran'] compiler = self.compiler debug = self.debug inline = self.inline accelerator = self.accelerator include = self.include libdir = self.libdir if not(compiler in _avail_compilers): raise ValueError("Only {0} are available.".format(_avail_compilers)) flags = " -O3 " if compiler == "gfortran": if debug: flags += " -fbounds-check " if compiler == "mpif90": if debug: flags += " -fbounds-check " if not (accelerator is None): if accelerator == "openmp": flags += " -fopenmp " elif accelerator == "openacc": flags += " -ta=multicore -Minfo=accel " else: raise ValueError("Only openmp and openacc are available") if isinstance(include, str): include = [include] if len(include) > 0: flags += ' '.join(' -I{0}'.format(i) for i in include) if isinstance(libdir, str): libdir = [libdir] if len(libdir) > 0: flags += ' '.join(' -L{0}'.format(i) for i in libdir) return flags
[docs] def compile(self, verbose=False): """ Compiles the generated file. verbose: bool talk more """ compiler = self.compiler flags = self.flags inline = self.inline libs = self.libs filename = self.codegen.filename_out is_module = self.codegen.is_module modules = self.codegen.modules # print('> ignored = ', self.ignored_modules) # print('> modules = ', modules) modules = [m for m in modules if not(m in self.ignored_modules)] binary = "" if self.binary is None: if not is_module: binary = filename.split('.')[0] else: binary = self.binary o_code = '' if not inline: if not is_module: o_code = "-o" else: flags += ' -c ' else: o_code = '-m' flags = '--quiet -c' binary = compiler = 'f2py' m_code = ' '.join('{}.o '.format(m) for m in modules) if isinstance(libs, str): libs = libs.split(',') if len(libs) == 1: libs = libs[0].split(' ') if len(libs) > 0: libs = ' '.join(' -l{0}'.format(i) for i in libs) else: libs = '' cmd = '{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}'.format( \ compiler, flags, m_code, filename, o_code, binary, libs) if verbose: print(cmd) output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) if verbose: print(output) # write and save a log file in .pyccel/'filename'.log # ... def mkdir_p(dir): # type: (unicode) -> None if os.path.isdir(dir): return os.makedirs(dir) if inline: tmp_dir = '.pyccel' mkdir_p(tmp_dir) logfile = '{0}.log'.format(binary) logfile = os.path.join(tmp_dir, logfile) f = open(logfile, 'w') f.write(output) f.close() # ... self._binary = binary
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