pyccel.complexity package


pyccel.complexity.arithmetic module

pyccel.complexity.arithmetic.count_ops(expr, visual=None)[source]
class pyccel.complexity.arithmetic.OpComplexity(filename_or_text)[source]

Bases: pyccel.complexity.basic.Complexity

class for Operation complexity computation.


Computes the complexity of the given code.

verbose: bool
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pyccel.complexity.basic module

class pyccel.complexity.basic.Complexity(filename_or_text)[source]

Bases: object

Abstract class for complexity computation.


Returns the Abstract Syntax Tree.


Computes the complexity of the given code.

pyccel.complexity.memory module

pyccel.complexity.memory.count_access(expr, visual=True)[source]

returns the number of access to memory in terms of WRITE and READ.

expr: sympy.Expr
any sympy expression or pyccel.ast.core object
visual: bool
If visual is True then the number of each type of operation is shown with the core class types (or their virtual equivalent) multiplied by the number of times they occur.
local_vars: list
list of variables that are supposed to be in the fast memory. We will ignore their corresponding memory accesses.
class pyccel.complexity.memory.MemComplexity(filename_or_text)[source]

Bases: pyccel.complexity.basic.Complexity

Class for memory complexity computation. This class implements a simple two level memory model


>>> code = '''
... n = 10
... for i in range(0,n):
...     for j in range(0,n):
...         x = pow(i,2) + pow(i,3) + 3*i
...         y = x / 3 + 2* x
... '''
>>> from pyccel.complexity.memory import MemComplexity
>>> M = MemComplexity(code)
>>> d = M.cost()
>>> print "f = ", d['f']
f =  n**2*(2*ADD + DIV + 2*MUL + 2*POW)
>>> print "m = ", d['m']
m =  WRITE + 2*n**2*(READ + WRITE)
>>> q = M.intensity()
>>> print "+++ computational intensity ~", q
+++ computational intensity ~ (2*ADD + DIV + 2*MUL + 2*POW)/(2*READ + 2*WRITE)

Now let us consider a case where some variables are supposed to be in the fast memory, (r in this test)

>>> code = '''
... n = 10
... x = zeros(shape=(n,n), dtype=float)
... r = float()
... r = 0
... for i in range(0, n):
...     r = x[n,i] + 1
... '''
>>> M = MemComplexity(code)
>>> d = M.cost()
>>> print "f = ", d['f']
f =  ADD*n
>>> print "m = ", d['m']
m =  2*WRITE + n*(READ + WRITE)
>>> q = M.intensity()
>>> print "+++ computational intensity ~", q
+++ computational intensity ~ ADD/(READ + WRITE)

Notice, that this is not what we expect! the cost of writing into r is ‘zero’, and therefor, there should be no n*WRITE in our memory cost. In order to achieve this, you must tell pyccel that you have the variable r is already in the fast memory. This can be done by adding the argument local_vars=[‘r’] when calling the cost method.

>>> d = M.cost(local_vars=['r'])
>>> print "f = ", d['f']
f =  ADD*n
>>> print "m = ", d['m']
m =  READ*n + WRITE
>>> q = M.intensity(local_vars=['r'])
>>> print "+++ computational intensity ~", q
+++ computational intensity ~ ADD/READ

and this is exactly what we were expecting.


Computes the complexity of the given code.

local_vars: list
list of variables that are supposed to be in the fast memory. We will ignore their corresponding memory accesses.
intensity(d=None, args=None, local_vars=[], verbose=False)[source]

Returns the computational intensity for the two level memory model.

d: dict
dictionary containing the floating and memory costs. if not given, we will compute them.
args: list
list of free parameters, i.e. degrees of freedom.
local_vars: list
list of variables that are supposed to be in the fast memory. We will ignore their corresponding memory accesses.
verbose: bool
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