
The pyccel-build script builds a Pyccel documentation set. It is called like this:

$ pyccel-build [options] sourcedir [filenames]

where sourcedir is the source directory. Most of the time, you don’t need to specify any filenames.

The pyccel-build script has several options:

-h, --help, --version

Display usage summary or Pyccel version.

General options

--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR

Output directory.


Converts pyccel files only without build. (see convertion_doc).


builder to use (default: fortran)


write all files (default: only write new and changed files)


don’t use a saved environment, always read all files

-j N

build in parallel with N processes where possible

Build configuration options


path where configuration file ( is located (default: same as SOURCEDIR)

-D setting=value

override a setting in configuration file

Console output options


increase verbosity (can be repeated)


no output on stdout, just warnings on stderr


no output at all, not even warnings


turn warnings into errors