OpenMP ****** This allows to write valid *OpenMP* instructions and are handled in two steps: * in the grammar, in order to parse the *omp* pragams * as a Pyccel header. Therefor, you can import and call *OpenMP* functions as you would do it in *Fortran* or *C*. Examples ^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../tests/scripts/openmp/core/ :language: python See :download:`script <../../tests/scripts/openmp/core/>`. Now, run the command:: pyccel tests/scripts/openmp/core/ --openmp export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 Executing the associated binary gives:: > threads number : 1 > maximum available threads : 4 > thread id : 0 > thread id : 3 > thread id : 1 > thread id : 2 See more `OpenMP examples`_. .. _OpenMP examples: Matrix multiplication _____________________ Let's take a look at the file *tests/examples/openmp/*, listed below .. code-block:: python from numpy import zeros n = 500 m = 700 p = 500 a = zeros((n,m), double) b = zeros((m,p), double) c = zeros((n,p), double) #$ omp parallel #$ omp do schedule(runtime) for i in range(0, n): for j in range(0, m): a[i,j] = i-j #$ omp end do nowait #$ omp do schedule(runtime) for i in range(0, m): for j in range(0, p): b[i,j] = i+j #$ omp end do nowait #$ omp do schedule(runtime) for i in range(0, n): for j in range(0, p): for k in range(0, p): c[i,j] = c[i,j] + a[i,k]*b[k,j] #$ omp end do #$ omp end parallel Now, run the command:: pyccel tests/examples/openmp/ --compiler="gfortran" --openmp This will parse the *Python* file, generate the corresponding *Fortran* file and compile it. .. note:: **Openmp** is activated using the flag **--openmp** in the command line. The generated *Fortran* code is .. code-block:: fortran program main use omp_lib implicit none real(kind=8), allocatable :: a (:, :) real(kind=8), allocatable :: c (:, :) real(kind=8), allocatable :: b (:, :) integer :: i integer :: k integer :: j integer :: m integer :: n integer :: p ! n = 500 m = 700 p = 500 allocate(a(0:n-1, 0:m-1)) ; a = 0 allocate(b(0:m-1, 0:p-1)) ; b = 0 allocate(c(0:n-1, 0:p-1)) ; c = 0 !$omp parallel !$omp do schedule(runtime) do i = 0, n - 1, 1 do j = 0, m - 1, 1 a(i, j) = i - j end do end do !$omp end do nowait !$omp do schedule(runtime) do i = 0, m - 1, 1 do j = 0, p - 1, 1 b(i, j) = i + j end do end do !$omp end do nowait !$omp do schedule(runtime) do i = 0, n - 1, 1 do j = 0, p - 1, 1 do k = 0, p - 1, 1 c(i, j) = a(i, k)*b(k, j) + c(i, j) end do end do end do !$omp end do !$omp end parallel end