numpy ***** Array manipulation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - copyto Changing array shape ____________________ - reshape - ravel - ndarray.flatten Transpose-like operations _________________________ - swapaxes - ndarray.T - transpose Joining arrays ______________ - concatenate - stack - column_stack - block Splitting arrays ________________ - split - array_split Tiling arrays _____________ - tile - repeat Adding and removing elements ____________________________ - delete - insert - append - resize - trim_zeros - unique Rearranging elements _____________________ - flip - fliplr - flipud - reshape - roll - rot90 The N-dimensional array ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TODO Array creation routines ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ones and zeros ______________ - empty - empty_like - eye - identity - ones - ones_like - zeros - zeros_like From existing data __________________ - array - asarray - asanyarray - ascontiguousarray - asmatrix - copy - fromfile - fromfunction - loadtxt Numerical ranges ________________ - arange - linspace - logspace - meshgrid Building matrices _________________ - diag - diagflat - tri - tril - triu Linear algebra (numpy.linalg) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Matrix and vector products __________________________ - dot - vdot - inner - outer - matmul - tensordot - linalg.matrix_power - kron Decompositions ______________ - linalg.cholesky - linalg.qr - linalg.svd Matrix eigenvalues __________________ - linalg.eig - linalg.eigh - linalg.eigvals - linalg.eigvalsh Norms and other numbers _______________________ - linalg.norm - linalg.cond - linalg.det - linalg.matrix_rank - trace Solving equations and inverting matrices ________________________________________ - linalg.solve - linalg.tensorsolve - linalg.lstsq - linalg.inv - linalg.pinv - linalg.tensorinv Mathematical functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Trigonometric functions _______________________ - sin - cos - tan - arcsin - arccos - arctan - hypot - arctan2 - degrees - radians - unwrap - deg2rad - rad2deg Hyperbolic functions ____________________ - sinh - cosh - tanh - arcsinh - arccosh - arctanh Rounding ________ - around - round - floor - ceil Sums, products, differences ___________________________ - prod - sum - cumprod - cumsum - diff - ediff1d - gradient - cross Exponents and logarithms ________________________ - exp - log Other special functions _______________________ - i0 - sinc Arithmetic operations _____________________ - add - multiply - divide - power - subtract - true_divide - floor_divide - float_power - fmod - mod - remainder - divmod Handling complex numbers ________________________ - angle - real - imag - conj Miscellaneous _____________ - convolve - sqrt - square - absolute - fabs - sign - maximum - minimum - fmax - fmin - interp