Source code for pyccel.parser.syntax.headers

# coding: utf-8


from os.path import join, dirname

from sympy.utilities.iterables import iterable
from sympy.core import Symbol
from sympy import sympify
from sympy import Tuple

from pyccel.parser.syntax.basic import BasicStmt
from pyccel.ast import FunctionHeader, ClassHeader, MethodHeader, VariableHeader
from pyccel.ast import MetaVariable , UnionType, InterfaceHeader
from pyccel.ast import construct_macro, MacroFunction, MacroVariable
from pyccel.ast import ValuedArgument
from pyccel.ast import DottedName, String
from pyccel.ast.datatypes import dtype_and_precsision_registry as dtype_registry

DEBUG = False

[docs]class ListType(BasicStmt): """Base class representing a ListType in the grammar.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor for a TypeHeader. dtype: list of str """ self.dtype = kwargs.pop('dtype') super(ListType, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def expr(self): dtypes = [str(i.expr['datatype']) for i in self.dtype] precisions = [i.expr['precision'] for i in self.dtype] if not (all(dtypes[0]==i for i in dtypes)): raise TypeError('all element of the TypeList must have the same type') d_var = {} d_var['datatype'] = str(dtypes[0]) d_var['rank'] = len(dtypes) d_var['is_pointer'] = len(dtypes)>0 d_var['allocatable'] = False d_var['precision'] = max(precisions) if not(d_var['precision']): if d_var['datatype'] in ['double','float','complex']: d_var['precision'] = 8 elif d_var['datatype'] in ['int']: d_var['precision'] = 4 return d_var
[docs]class Type(BasicStmt): """Base class representing a header type in the grammar.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor for a Type. dtype: str variable type """ self.dtype = kwargs.pop('dtype') self.trailer = kwargs.pop('trailer', []) self.precision = kwargs.pop('prec') super(Type, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def expr(self): dtype = self.dtype precision = self.precision if dtype in dtype_registry.keys(): dtype,precision = dtype_registry[dtype] trailer = self.trailer order = 'C' if trailer: if trailer.order: order = str(trailer.order) trailer = [str(i) for i in trailer.args] else: trailer = [] d_var={} d_var['datatype']=dtype d_var['rank'] = len(trailer) d_var['allocatable'] = len(trailer)>0 d_var['is_pointer'] = False d_var['precision'] = precision if not(precision): if dtype in ['double' ,'float','complex']: d_var['precision'] = 8 elif dtype=='int': d_var['precision'] = 4 if d_var['rank']>1: d_var['order'] = order return d_var
[docs]class TypeHeader(BasicStmt): pass
[docs]class StringStmt(BasicStmt): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.arg = kwargs.pop('arg') @property def expr(self): return String(repr(str(self.arg)))
[docs]class UnionTypeStmt(BasicStmt): def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor for a TypeHeader. dtype: list fo str """ self.dtypes = kwargs.pop('dtype') super(UnionTypeStmt, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def expr(self): l = [] for i in self.dtypes: l += [i.expr] if len(l)>1: return UnionType(l) else: return l[0]
[docs]class HeaderResults(BasicStmt): """Base class representing a HeaderResults in the grammar.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor for a HeaderResults. decs: list of TypeHeader """ self.decs = kwargs.pop('decs') super(HeaderResults, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def expr(self): decs = [i.expr for i in self.decs] return decs
[docs]class VariableHeaderStmt(BasicStmt): """Base class representing a header statement in the grammar.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor for a VariableHeader statement. In the case of builtin datatypes, we export a Variable name: str variable name dec: list, tuple list of argument types """ = kwargs.pop('name') self.dec = kwargs.pop('dec') super(VariableHeaderStmt, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def expr(self): dtype = self.dec.expr return VariableHeader(, dtype)
[docs]class FunctionHeaderStmt(BasicStmt): """Base class representing a function header statement in the grammar.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor for a FunctionHeader statement name: str function name kind: str one among {function, procedure, method} decs: list, tuple list of argument types results: list, tuple list of output types """ = kwargs.pop('name') self.kind = kwargs.pop('kind', None) self.static = kwargs.pop('static', None) self.decs = kwargs.pop('decs') self.results = kwargs.pop('results', None) super(FunctionHeaderStmt, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def expr(self): # TODO: do we need dtypes and results to be attributs of the class? dtypes = [] for dec in self.decs: if isinstance(dec,UnionTypeStmt): dtypes += [dec.expr] if self.kind is None: kind = 'function' else: kind = str(self.kind) is_static = False if self.static == 'static': is_static = True results = [] if self.results: results = self.results.expr if kind == 'method': dtype = dtypes[0] if isinstance(dtype, UnionType): cls_instance = dtype.args[0]['datatype'] else: cls_instance = dtype['datatype'] dtypes = dtypes[1:] # remove the attribut kind = 'procedure' if results: kind = 'function' return MethodHeader((cls_instance,, dtypes, [],kind=kind ) else: return FunctionHeader(, dtypes, results=results, kind=kind, is_static=is_static)
[docs]class ClassHeaderStmt(BasicStmt): """Base class representing a class header statement in the grammar.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor for a Header statement name: str class name options: list, tuple list of class options """ = kwargs.pop('name') self.options = kwargs.pop('options') super(ClassHeaderStmt, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def expr(self): options = [str(i) for i in self.options] return ClassHeader(, options)
[docs]class MetavarHeaderStmt(BasicStmt): """Base class representing a metavar header statement in the grammar.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor for a MetavarHeader statement. name: str metavar name value: str associated value """ = kwargs.pop('name') self.value = kwargs.pop('value') super(MetavarHeaderStmt, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def expr(self): # TODO further checking name = str( value = self.value return MetaVariable(name, value)
[docs]class InterfaceStmt(BasicStmt): """ class represent the header interface statement""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor of Interface statement name: str args: list of function names """ = kwargs.pop('name') self.args = kwargs.pop('args') super(InterfaceStmt, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def expr(self): return InterfaceHeader(, self.args)
# ...
[docs]class MacroArg(BasicStmt): """.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ """ self.arg = kwargs.pop('arg') self.value = kwargs.pop('value',None) super(MacroArg, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def expr(self): arg_ = self.arg if isinstance(arg_, MacroList): return Tuple(*arg_.expr) arg = Symbol(str(arg_)) value = self.value if not(value is None): if isinstance(value, (MacroStmt,StringStmt)): value = value.expr else: value = sympify(str(value),locals={'N':Symbol('N'),'S':Symbol('S')}) return ValuedArgument(arg, value) return arg
[docs]class MacroStmt(BasicStmt): """.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ """ self.arg = kwargs.pop('arg') self.macro = kwargs.pop('macro') self.parameter = kwargs.pop('parameter', None) super(MacroStmt, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def expr(self): name = str(self.macro) arg = str(self.arg) parameter = self.parameter return construct_macro(name, arg, parameter=parameter)
# ...
[docs]class MacroList(BasicStmt): """ reresent a MacroList statement""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): ls = [] for i in kwargs.pop('ls'): if isinstance(i, MacroArg): ls.append(i.expr) else: ls.append(i) = ls super(MacroList, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def expr(self): return
[docs]class FunctionMacroStmt(BasicStmt): """Base class representing an alias function statement in the grammar.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor for a FunctionMacroStmt statement name: str function name master: str master function name """ = tuple(kwargs.pop('name')) self.results = kwargs.pop('results',None) self.args = kwargs.pop('args') self.master_name = tuple(kwargs.pop('master_name')) self.master_args = kwargs.pop('master_args') super(FunctionMacroStmt, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def expr(self): if len(>1: name = DottedName(* else: name = str([0]) args = [] for i in self.args: if isinstance(i, MacroArg): args.append(i.expr) else: raise TypeError('argument must be of type MacroArg') if len(self.master_name)==1: master_name = str(self.master_name[0]) else: raise NotImplementedError('TODO') master_args = [] for i in self.master_args: if isinstance(i, MacroStmt): master_args.append(i.expr) else: master_args.append(Symbol(str(i))) results = self.results if (results is None): results = [] if len(args + master_args + results) == 0: return MacroVariable(name, master_name) if not isinstance(name, str): #we treat the other all the names except the last one as arguments # so that we always have a name of type str args = list([:-1]) + list(args) name =[-1] return MacroFunction(name, args, master_name, master_args, results=results)
################################################# ################################################# # whenever a new rule is added in the grammar, we must update the following # lists. hdr_classes = [Header, TypeHeader, Type, ListType, UnionTypeStmt, HeaderResults, FunctionHeaderStmt, ClassHeaderStmt, VariableHeaderStmt, MetavarHeaderStmt, InterfaceStmt, MacroStmt, MacroArg, MacroList, FunctionMacroStmt,StringStmt]
[docs]def parse(filename=None, stmts=None, debug=False): this_folder = dirname(__file__) # Get meta-model from language description grammar = join(this_folder, '../grammar/headers.tx') from textx.metamodel import metamodel_from_file meta = metamodel_from_file(grammar, debug=debug, classes=hdr_classes) # Instantiate model if filename: model = meta.model_from_file(filename) elif stmts: model = meta.model_from_str(stmts) else: raise ValueError('Expecting a filename or a string') stmts = [] for stmt in model.statements: e = stmt.stmt.expr stmts.append(e) if len(stmts) == 1: return stmts[0] else: return stmts
###################### if __name__ == '__main__': print(parse(stmts='#$ header variable x :: int')) print(parse(stmts='#$ header variable x float [:, :]')) print(parse(stmts='#$ header function f(float [:], int [:]) results(int)')) print(parse(stmts='#$ header function f(float|int, int [:]) results(int)')) print(parse(stmts='#$ header class Square(public)')) print(parse(stmts='#$ header method translate(Point, [double], [int], int[:,:], double[:])')) print(parse(stmts="#$ header metavar module_name='mpi'")) print(parse(stmts='#$ header interface funcs=fun1|fun2|fun3')) print(parse(stmts='#$ header function _f(int, int [:])')) print(parse(stmts='#$ header macro _f(x) := f(x, x.shape)')) print(parse(stmts='#$ header macro _g(x) := g(x, x.shape[0], x.shape[1])')) print(parse(stmts='#$ header macro (a, b), _f(x) := f(x.shape, x, a, b)')) print(parse(stmts='#$ header macro _dswap(x, incx) := dswap(x.shape, x, incx)')) print(parse(stmts="#$ header macro _dswap(x, incx=1) := dswap(x.shape, x, incx)")) print(parse(stmts='#$ header macro _dswap(x, y, incx=1, incy=1) := dswap(x.shape, x, incx, y, incy)')) print(parse(stmts="#$ header macro _dswap(x, incx=x.shape) := dswap(x.shape, x, incx)")) print(parse(stmts='#$ header macro Point.translate(alpha, x, y) := translate(alpha, x, y)')) print(parse(stmts="#$ header macro _dswap([data,dtype=data.dtype,count=count.dtype], incx=y.shape,M='M',d=incx) := dswap(y.shape, y, incx)")) print(parse(stmts='#$ header function _f(int, int [:,:](order = F))')) print(parse(stmts='#$ header function _f(int, int [:,:])'))