Source code for pyccel.epyccel

# coding: utf-8

from collections import OrderedDict
from types       import ModuleType, FunctionType

import inspect
import subprocess
import importlib
import sys
import os

from pyccel.parser                import Parser
from pyccel.parser.errors         import Errors, PyccelError
from pyccel.parser.syntax.headers import parse
from pyccel.codegen               import Codegen
from pyccel.codegen.utilities     import execute_pyccel
from pyccel.ast                   import FunctionHeader


PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3

if PY3:
    from importlib.machinery import ExtensionFileLoader


[docs]def get_source_function(func): if not callable(func): raise TypeError('Expecting a callable function') lines = inspect.getsourcelines(func) lines = lines[0] # remove indentation if the first line is indented a = lines[0] leading_spaces = len(a) - len(a.lstrip()) code = '' for a in lines: if leading_spaces > 0: line = a[leading_spaces:] else: line = a code = '{code}{line}'.format(code=code, line=line) return code
[docs]def compile_fortran(source, modulename, extra_args='',libs=[], compiler=None , mpi=False, includes = []): """use f2py to compile a source code. We ensure here that the f2py used is the right one with respect to the python/numpy version, which is not the case if we run directly the command line f2py ...""" compilers = '' if mpi: compilers = '--f90exec=mpif90 ' if compiler: compilers = compilers +'--fcompiler={}'.format(compiler) try: filename = '{}.f90'.format( modulename.replace('.','/') ) filename = os.path.basename( filename ) f = open(filename, "w") for line in source: f.write(line) f.close() libs = ' '.join('-l'+i.lower() for i in libs) args = """ -c {} --opt='-O3' {} -m {} {} {} {} """.format(compilers, libs, modulename.rpartition('.')[2], filename, extra_args, includes) if PY2: cmd = """python -c 'import numpy.f2py as f ;f.main()' {}""" else: cmd = """python3 -c 'import numpy.f2py as f ;f.main()' {}""" cmd = cmd.format(args) output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) return output, cmd finally: f.close()
[docs]def epyccel(func, inputs=None, verbose=False, modules=[], libs=[], name=None, context=None, compiler = None , mpi=False, static=None): """Pyccelize a python function and wrap it using f2py. func: function, str a Python function or source code defining the function inputs: str, list, tuple, dict inputs can be the function header as a string, or a list/tuple of strings or the globals() dictionary verbose: bool talk more modules: list, tuple list of dependencies libs: list, tuple list of libraries name: str name of the function, if it is given as a string context: ContextPyccel, list/tuple a Pyccel context for user defined functions and other dependencies needed to compile func. it also be a list/tuple of ContextPyccel static: list/tuple a list of 'static' functions as strings Examples The following example shows how to use Pyccel within an IPython session >>> #$ header procedure static f_static(int [:]) results(int) >>> def f_static(x): >>> y = x[0] - 1 >>> return y >>> from test_epyccel import epyccel >>> f = epyccel(f_static, globals()) # appending IPython history >>> header = '#$ header procedure static f_static(int [:]) results(int)' >>> f = epyccel(f_static, header) # giving the header explicitly Now, **f** is a Fortran function that has been wrapped. It is compatible with numpy and you can call it >>> import numpy as np >>> x = np.array([3, 4, 5, 6], dtype=int) >>> y = f(x) You can also call it with a list instead of numpy arrays >>> f([3, 4, 5]) 2 """ is_module = False is_function = False if isinstance(func, ModuleType): is_module = True if callable(func): is_function = True assert(callable(func) or isinstance(func, str) or isinstance(func, ModuleType)) # ... if callable(func) or isinstance(func, ModuleType): name = func.__name__ elif name is None: # case of func as a string raise ValueError('function name must be provided, in the case of func string') # ... output_folder = name.rsplit('.',1)[0] if '.' in name else '' # ... if is_module: mod = func is_sharedlib = isinstance(getattr(mod, '__loader__', None), ExtensionFileLoader) if is_sharedlib: module_filename = inspect.getfile(mod) # clean cmd = 'rm -f {}'.format(module_filename) os.system(cmd) # then re-run again mod = importlib.import_module(name) # we must reload the module, otherwise it is still the .so one importlib.reload(mod) epyccel(mod, inputs=inputs, verbose=verbose, modules=modules, libs=libs, name=name, context=context, compiler=compiler, mpi=mpi, static=static) # ... # ... ignored_funcs = None if not static: if isinstance(func, ModuleType): mod = func funcs = [i for i in dir(mod) if isinstance(getattr(mod, i), FunctionType)] # remove pyccel.decorators ignored_funcs = [i for i in funcs if getattr(mod, i).__module__ == 'pyccel.decorators'] static = [i for i in funcs if not(i in ignored_funcs)] else: static = [name] # ... # ... headers = None if inputs: if isinstance(inputs, str): headers = inputs elif isinstance(inputs, (tuple, list)): # find all possible headers lines = [str(i) for i in inputs if (isinstance(i, str) and i.lstrip().startswith('#$ header'))] # TODO take the last occurence for f => use zip headers = "\n".join([str(i) for i in lines]) elif isinstance(inputs, dict): # case of globals() history from ipython if not 'In' in inputs.keys(): raise ValueError('Expecting `In` key in the inputs dictionary') inputs = inputs['In'] # TODO shall we reverse the list # find all possible headers lines = [str(i) for i in inputs if i.lstrip().startswith('#$ header')] # TODO take the last occurence for f => use zip headers = "\n".join([str(i) for i in lines]) # we parse all headers then convert them to static function d_headers = {} if headers: hdr = parse(stmts=headers) if isinstance(hdr, FunctionHeader): header = hdr.to_static() d_headers = {str(name): header} elif isinstance(hdr, (tuple, list)): hs = [h.to_static() for h in hdr] hs = [h for h in hs if hs.func == name] # TODO improve header = hs[0] raise NotImplementedError('TODO') else: raise NotImplementedError('TODO') # ... # ... if not static: raise NotImplementedError('TODO') # ... # ... get the function source code if callable(func): code = get_source_function(func) print(code) elif isinstance(func, ModuleType): lines = inspect.getsourcelines(func)[0] code = ''.join(lines) else: code = func # ... if verbose: print ('------') print (code) print ('------') extra_args = '' include_args = '' if context: if isinstance(context, ContextPyccel): context = [context] elif isinstance(context, (list, tuple)): for i in context: assert(isinstance(i, ContextPyccel)) else: raise TypeError('Expecting a ContextPyccel or list/tuple of ContextPyccel') imports = [] names_o = [] include_folders = [] context_import_path = [] for i in context: names_o.append('{fol}{name}.o'.format(fol=i.os_folder, include_folders.append('-I{}'.format(i.os_folder)) imports.append(i.imports) context_import_path.append((,i.os_folder)) context_import_path = dict(context_import_path) extra_args = ' '.join(i for i in names_o) include_args = ' '.join(i for i in include_folders) imports = '\n'.join(i for i in imports) # ... # ... add import to initial code code = '{imports}\n{code}'.format(imports=imports, code=code) # ... else: context_import_path = {} try: # ... pyccel = Parser(code, headers=d_headers, static=static, output_folder = output_folder, context_import_path=context_import_path) ast = pyccel.parse() settings = {} ast = pyccel.annotate(**settings) codegen = Codegen(ast, name) code = codegen.doprint() # ... # reset Errors singleton errors = Errors() errors.reset() except: # reset Errors singleton errors = Errors() errors.reset() raise PyccelError('Could not convert to Fortran') # Change module name to avoid name clashes: Python cannot import two modules with the same name if is_module: modname = name head, sep, tail = modname.rpartition('.') name = sep.join( [head, '__epyccel__'+ tail] ) else: modname = name name = '__epyccel__'+ name # Find directory where Fortran extension module should be created if is_module: dirname = os.path.dirname( mod.__file__ ) else: dirname = os.path.dirname( sys.modules[func.__module__].__file__ ) # Move into working directory, create extension module, then move back to original directory origin = os.path.abspath( os.curdir ) os.chdir( dirname ) output, cmd = compile_fortran( code, name, extra_args= extra_args, libs = libs, compiler = compiler, mpi = mpi, includes = include_args ) os.chdir( origin ) if verbose: print(cmd) # if verbose: # print(output) # ... # ... try: os.chdir( dirname ) package = importlib.import_module( name ) clean_extension_module( package, modname ) os.chdir( origin ) # TODO ?? #reload(package) except: print( os.path.abspath( os.curdir ) ) raise ImportError('could not import {0}'.format( name )) # ... if is_module: return package else: return getattr( package, func.__name__.lower() )
#============================================================================== # TODO: write similar version for single functions
[docs]def epyccel_mpi( mod, comm, root=0 ): """ Collective version of epyccel for modules: root process generates Fortran code, compiles it and creates a shared library (extension module), which is then loaded by all processes in the communicator. Parameters ---------- mod : types.ModuleType Python module to be pyccelized. comm: mpi4py.MPI.Comm MPI communicator where extension module will be made available. root: int Rank of process responsible for code generation. Results ------- fmod : types.ModuleType Python extension module. """ from mpi4py import MPI assert isinstance( mod, ModuleType ) assert isinstance( comm, MPI.Comm ) assert isinstance( root, int ) # Master process calls epyccel if comm.rank == root: fmod = epyccel( mod, mpi=True ) fmod_path = fmod.__file__ fmod_name = fmod.__name__ else: fmod_path = None fmod_name = None # Broadcast Fortran module path/name to all processes fmod_path = comm.bcast( fmod_path, root=root ) fmod_name = comm.bcast( fmod_name, root=root ) # Non-master processes import Fortran module directly from its path if comm.rank != root: spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( fmod_name, fmod_path ) fmod = importlib.util.module_from_spec( spec ) spec.loader.exec_module( fmod ) clean_extension_module( fmod, mod.__name__ ) # Return Fortran module return fmod
[docs]def clean_extension_module( ext_mod, py_mod_name ): """ Clean Python extension module by moving functions contained in f2py's "mod_[py_mod_name]" automatic attribute to one level up (module level). "mod_[py_mod_name]" attribute is then completely removed from the module. Parameters ---------- ext_mod : types.ModuleType Python extension module created by f2py from pyccel-generated Fortran. py_mod_name : str Name of the original (pure Python) module. """ # Get name of f2py automatic attribute n = py_mod_name.lower().replace('.','_') if not n.startswith('mod_'): n = 'mod_'+ n # Move all functions to module level m = getattr( ext_mod, n ) for a in type( m ).__dir__( m ): if a.startswith( '__' ) and a.endswith( '__' ): pass else: setattr( ext_mod, a, getattr( m, a ) ) # Remove f2py automatic attribute delattr( ext_mod, n )
#============================================================================== # TODO check what we are inserting
[docs]class ContextPyccel(object): """Class for interactive use of Pyccel. It can be used within an IPython session, Jupyter Notebook or ipyccel command line.""" def __init__(self, name,context_folder='',output_folder=''): self._name = 'mod_{}'.format(name) self._constants = OrderedDict() self._functions = OrderedDict() self._folder = context_folder if (len(self._folder)>0): self._folder+='.' self._os_folder = self._folder.replace('.','/') contexts = context_folder.split('.') outputs = output_folder.split('.') n = min(len(contexts),len(outputs)) i=0 while(i<n and contexts[i]==outputs[i]): i+=1 contexts = contexts[i:] outputs = outputs[i:] if (len(contexts)==0 and len(outputs)==0): self._rel_folder = '' else: self._rel_folder = '.'*(len(outputs)+1)+'.'.join(contexts) if (self._rel_folder[-1]!='.'): self._rel_folder+='.' @property def folder(self): return self._folder @property def os_folder(self): return self._os_folder @property def name(self): return self._name @property def constants(self): return self._constants @property def functions(self): return self._functions def __str__(self): # line separator sep = '# ' + '.'*30 + '\n' # ... constants # TODO remove # if we want to export constants too constants = '\n'.join('#{k} = {v}'.format(k=k,v=v) for k,v in list(self.constants.items())) # ... # ... functions functions = '' for k, (f,h) in list(self.functions.items()): code_f = get_source_function(f) functions = '{h}\n{f}\n{functions}'.format(h=h, f=code_f, functions=functions) # ... code = '{sep}{constants}\n{sep}{functions}'.format(sep=sep, constants=constants, functions=functions) return code
[docs] def insert_constant(self, d, value=None): """Inserts constants in the namespace. d: str, dict an identifier string or a dictionary of the form {'a': value_a, 'b': value_b} where `a` and `b` are the constants identifiers and value_a, value_b their associated values. value: int, float, complex, str value used if d is a string """ if isinstance(d, str): if value is None: raise ValueError('Expecting a not None value') self._constants[d] = value elif isinstance(d, (dict, OrderedDict)): for k,v in list(d.items()): self._constants[k] = v else: raise ValueError('Expecting d to be a string or dict/OrderedDict')
[docs] def insert_function(self, func, types, kind='function', results=None): """Inserts a function in the namespace.""" # function name name = func.__name__ # ... construct a header from d_types assert(isinstance(types, (list, tuple))) types = ', '.join('{}'.format(i) for i in types) header = '#$ header {kind} {name}'.format(name=name, kind=kind) header = '{header}({types})'.format(header=header, types=types) if results: results = ', '.join('{}'.format(i) for i in results) header = '{header} results({results})'.format(header=header, results=results) # ... self._functions[name] = (func, header)
# TODO add other things to import apart from functions @property def imports(self): """Returns available imports from the context as a string.""" f_names = list(self.functions.keys()) f_names = ', '.join(f for f in f_names) import_stmt = 'from {mod} import {f_names}'.format(, f_names=f_names) return import_stmt
[docs] def compile(self, **settings): """Convert to Fortran and compile the context.""" code = self.__str__() # ... export the python code of the module filename = '{}.py'.format( f = open(filename, 'w') for line in code: f.write(line) f.close() # ... # ... verbose = settings.pop('verbose', False) if not('fflags' in list(settings.keys())): settings['fflags'] = '-fPIC -O3' # ... output, cmd = execute_pyccel(filename, verbose=verbose, **settings) return output, cmd