Source code for pyccel.codegen.printing.fcode

# coding: utf-8

"""Print to F90 standard. Trying to follow the information provided at as much as possible."""

import string
from itertools import groupby, chain

import numpy as np

from sympy import Lambda
from sympy.core import Symbol
from sympy.core import Float as sp_Float, Integer as sp_Integer
from sympy.core import S, Add, N
from sympy.core import Tuple
from sympy.core.function import Function
from sympy.core.compatibility import string_types
from sympy.printing.precedence import precedence
from sympy import Eq, Ne, true, false
from sympy import Atom, Indexed
from sympy import preorder_traversal
from sympy.core.numbers import NegativeInfinity as NINF
from sympy.core.numbers import Infinity as INF 
from sympy import Mod

from sympy.utilities.iterables import iterable
from sympy.logic.boolalg import Boolean, BooleanTrue, BooleanFalse
from sympy.logic.boolalg import And, Not, Or, true, false

from pyccel.ast import Zeros, Array, Int, Shape, Sum, Rand,Real,Complex

from pyccel.ast.core import get_initial_value
from pyccel.ast.core import get_iterable_ranges
from pyccel.ast.core import AddOp, MulOp, SubOp, DivOp
from pyccel.ast.core import String
from pyccel.ast.core import ClassDef
from pyccel.ast.core import Nil
from pyccel.ast.core import Module
from pyccel.ast.core import SeparatorComment, CommentBlock
from pyccel.ast.core import ConstructorCall
from pyccel.ast.core import FunctionDef, Interface
from pyccel.ast.core import Subroutine
from pyccel.ast.core import ZerosLike
from pyccel.ast.core import Return
from pyccel.ast.core import ValuedArgument
from pyccel.ast.core import ErrorExit, Exit
from pyccel.ast.core import Range, Product, Block , Zip, Enumerate, Map
from pyccel.ast.core import get_assigned_symbols
from pyccel.ast.core import (Assign, AugAssign, Variable, CodeBlock,
                             Declare, ValuedVariable,
                             Len, FunctionalFor,
                             IndexedElement, Slice, List, Dlist,
                             DottedName, AsName, DottedVariable,
                             Print, If, Nil)
from pyccel.ast.datatypes import DataType, is_pyccel_datatype
from pyccel.ast.datatypes import is_iterable_datatype, is_with_construct_datatype
from pyccel.ast.datatypes import NativeBool, NativeSymbol, NativeString, NativeList
from pyccel.ast.datatypes import NativeComplex, NativeReal, NativeInteger
from pyccel.ast.datatypes import NativeRange, NativeTensor
from pyccel.ast.datatypes import CustomDataType

from pyccel.codegen.printing.codeprinter import CodePrinter

from pyccel.ast.parallel.mpi     import MPI
from pyccel.ast.parallel.openmp  import OMP_For
from pyccel.ast.parallel.openacc import ACC_For

from collections import OrderedDict
import functools
import operator

# TODO: add examples
# TODO: use _get_statement when returning a string

__all__ = ["FCodePrinter", "fcode"]

known_functions = {
    "sin": "sin",
    "cos": "cos",
    "tan": "tan",
    "asin": "asin",
    "acos": "acos",
    "atan": "atan",
    "atan2": "atan2",
    "sinh": "sinh",
    "cosh": "cosh",
    "tanh": "tanh",
    "log": "log",
    "exp": "exp",
    "erf": "erf",
    "Abs": "abs",
    "sign": "sign",
    "conjugate": "conjg"

_default_methods = {
    '__init__': 'create',
    '__del__' : 'free',

[docs]class FCodePrinter(CodePrinter): """A printer to convert sympy expressions to strings of Fortran code""" printmethod = "_fcode" language = "Fortran" _default_settings = { 'order': None, 'full_prec': 'auto', 'precision': 15, 'user_functions': {}, 'human': True, 'source_format': 'fixed', 'tabwidth': 2, 'contract': True, 'standard': 77 } _operators = { 'and': '.and.', 'or': '.or.', 'xor': '.neqv.', 'equivalent': '.eqv.', 'not': '.not. ', } _relationals = { '!=': '/=', } def __init__(self, settings={}): CodePrinter.__init__(self, settings) self.known_functions = dict(known_functions) userfuncs = settings.get('user_functions', {}) self.known_functions.update(userfuncs) def _get_statement(self, codestring): return codestring def _get_comment(self, text): return "! {0}".format(text) def _format_code(self, lines): return self._wrap_fortran(self.indent_code(lines)) def _traverse_matrix_indices(self, mat): rows, cols = mat.shape return ((i, j) for j in range(cols) for i in range(rows)) # ============ Elements ============ # def _print_Module(self, expr): name = self._print( name = name.replace('.', '_') if not name.startswith('mod_'): name = 'mod_{0}'.format(name) imports = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.imports) decs = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.declarations) body = '' # ... sep = self._print(SeparatorComment(40)) interfaces = '' if expr.interfaces: interfaces = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.interfaces if not i.hide) for interface in expr.interfaces: if not interface.hide: for i in interface.functions: body = ('{body}\n' '{sep}\n' '{f}\n' '{sep}\n').format(body=body, sep=sep, f=self._print(i)) if expr.funcs: for i in expr.funcs: body = ('{body}\n' '{sep}\n' '{f}\n' '{sep}\n').format(body=body, sep=sep, f=self._print(i)) # ... # ... classes = '' for i in expr.classes: # update decs with declarations from ClassDef c_decs, c_funcs = self._print(i) decs = '{0}\n{1}'.format(decs, c_decs) body = '{0}\n{1}\n'.format(body, c_funcs) # ... if expr.funcs or expr.classes or expr.interfaces: body = '\n contains\n{0}'.format(body) return ('module {name}\n' '{imports}\n' 'implicit none\n' '{decs}\n' '{interfaces}\n' '{body}\n' 'end module\n').format(name=name, imports=imports, decs=decs, interfaces=interfaces, body=body) def _print_Program(self, expr): name = 'prog_{0}'.format(self._print( name = name.replace('.', '_') modules = '' mpi = False #we use this to detect of we are using so that we can add # mpi_init and mpi_finalize in the code instruction # TODO should we find a better way to do this? imports = list(expr.imports) for i in expr.imports: if 'mpi4py' == str([0]): mpi = True imports = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in imports) funcs = '' body = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.body) decs = expr.declarations func_in_func = False for func in expr.funcs: for i in func.body: if isinstance(i, FunctionDef): func_in_func = True break if expr.classes or expr.interfaces or func_in_func: # TODO shall we use expr.variables? or have a more involved algo # we will need to walk through the expression and see what are # the variables that are needed in the definitions of classes variables = [] for i in expr.interfaces: variables += i.functions[0].global_vars for i in expr.funcs: variables += i.global_vars variables =list(set(variables)) for i in range(len(decs)): #remove variables that are declared in the modules if decs[i].variable in variables: decs[i] = None decs = [i for i in decs if i] module_utils = Module(, list(variables), expr.funcs, expr.interfaces, expr.classes, imports=expr.imports) modules = self._print(module_utils) imports = ('{imports}\n' 'use mod_{name}\n').format(imports=imports, else: # ... uncomment this later and remove it from the top # decs = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.declarations) # ... # ... sep = self._print(SeparatorComment(40)) funcs = '' if expr.funcs: for i in expr.funcs: funcs = ('{funcs}\n' '{sep}\n' '{f}\n' '{sep}\n').format(funcs=funcs, sep=sep, f=self._print(i)) funcs = 'contains\n{0}'.format(funcs) # ... decs = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in decs) if mpi: #TODO shuold we add them like this ? body = 'call mpi_init(ierr)\n'+\ '\nallocate(status(0:-1 + mpi_status_size)) '+\ '\n status = 0\n'+\ body +\ '\ncall mpi_finalize(ierr)' decs += '\ninteger :: ierr = -1' +\ '\n integer, allocatable :: status (:)' return ('{modules}\n' 'program {name}\n' '{imports}\n' 'implicit none\n' '{decs}\n' '{body}\n' '{funcs}\n' 'end program {name}\n').format(name=name, imports=imports, decs=decs, body=body, funcs=funcs, modules=modules) def _print_Import(self, expr): prefix_as = '' source = '' if expr.source is None: prefix = 'use' else: if isinstance(expr.source, DottedName): source = '_'.join(self._print(j) for j in else: source = self._print(expr.source) prefix = 'use {}, only:'.format(source) prefix_as = 'use {},'.format(source) # TODO - improve # importing of pyccel extensions is not printed if source in ['numpy', 'scipy', 'itertools','math']: return '' if 'mpi4py' == str([0]): return 'use mpi' code = '' for i in if isinstance(i, AsName): target = '{name} => {target}'.format(name=self._print(, target=self._print( line = '{prefix} {target}'.format(prefix=prefix_as, target=target) elif isinstance(i, DottedName): target = '_'.join(self._print(j) for j in line = '{prefix} {target}'.format(prefix=prefix, target=target) elif isinstance(i, str): line = '{prefix} {target}'.format(prefix=prefix, target=str(i)) elif isinstance(i, Symbol): line = '{prefix} {target}'.format(prefix=prefix, target=str( else: raise TypeError('Expecting str, Symbol, DottedName or AsName, ' 'given {}'.format(type(i))) # TODO keep `\n` ? # code = '{code}{line}'.format(code=code, line=line) code = '{code}\n{line}'.format(code=code, line=line) # in some cases, the source is given as a string (when using metavar) code = code.replace("'", '') return self._get_statement(code) def _print_TupleImport(self, expr): code = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.imports) return self._get_statement(code) # TODO def _print_FromImport(self, expr): fil = self._print(expr.fil) if isinstance(expr.fil, DottedName): # pyccel-extension case if[0] == 'pyccelext': fil = '_'.join(self._print(i) for i in fil = 'mod_{0}'.format(fil) else: fil = '_'.join(self._print(i) for i in fil = 'mod_{0}'.format(fil) if not expr.funcs: return 'use {0}'.format(fil) elif isinstance(expr.funcs, str): funcs = self._print(expr.funcs) return 'use {0}, only: {1}'.format(fil, funcs) elif isinstance(expr.funcs, (tuple, list, Tuple)): funcs = ', '.join(self._print(f) for f in expr.funcs) return 'use {0}, only: {1}'.format(fil, funcs) else: raise TypeError('Wrong type for funcs') def _print_Print(self, expr): args = [] for f in expr.expr: if isinstance(f, str): args.append("'{}'".format(f)) elif isinstance(f, Tuple): for i in f: args.append("{}".format(self._print(i))) else: args.append("{}".format(self._print(f))) fs = ', '.join(i for i in args) code = 'print *, {0}'.format(fs) return self._get_statement(code) def _print_SymbolicPrint(self, expr): # for every expression we will generate a print _iprint = lambda e: "print *, 'sympy> {}'".format(e) code = '' for a in expr.expr: code = '{code}{p}'.format(code=code, p=_iprint(a)) return self._get_statement(code) def _print_Comment(self, expr): txt = self._print(expr.text) comments = [] while len(txt)>60: try: index = txt[60:].index(' ')+60 except: index = 60 comments.append(txt[:index]) txt = txt[index:] else: comments.append(txt) comments = ['! '+ comment for comment in comments] comments = '\n'.join(comment for comment in comments) return comments def _print_CommentBlock(self, expr): txts = expr.comments comments = [] for txt in txts: while len(txt)>60: try: index = txt[60:].index(' ')+60 except: index = 60 comments.append(txt[:index]) txt = txt[index:] else: comments.append(txt) txts = comments ln = max(len(i) for i in txts) if ln<20: ln = 20 top = '!' + '_'*int((ln-12)/2) + 'CommentBlock' + '_'*int((ln-12)/2) + '!' ln = len(top) bottom = '!' + '_'*(ln-2) + '!' for i in range(len(txts)): txts[i] = '!' + txts[i] + ' '*(ln -2 - len(txts[i])) + '!' body = '\n'.join(i for i in txts) return ('{0}\n' '{1}\n' '{2}').format(top, body, bottom) def _print_EmptyLine(self, expr): return '' def _print_NewLine(self, expr): return '\n' def _print_AnnotatedComment(self, expr): accel = self._print(expr.accel) txt = str(expr.txt) return '!${0} {1}'.format(accel, txt) def _print_Tuple(self, expr): import numpy shape = numpy.shape(expr) if len(shape)>1: arg = functools.reduce(operator.concat, expr) elements = ','.join(self._print(i) for i in arg) return 'reshape((/ '+ elements + ' /), '+ self._print(Tuple(*shape)) + ')' fs = ', '.join(self._print(f) for f in expr) return '(/ {0} /)'.format(fs) def _print_Variable(self, expr): return self._print( def _print_Constant(self, expr): val = sp_Float(expr.value) return self._print(val) def _print_ValuedArgument(self, expr): name = self._print( value = self._print(expr.value) code = '{0}={1}'.format(name, value) return code def _print_DottedVariable(self, expr): if isinstance(expr.args[1], Function): func = expr.args[1].func name = func.__name__ # ... code_args = '' code_args = ', '.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.args[1].args) code = '{0}({1})'.format(name, code_args) # ... # ... code = '{0}%{1}'.format(self._print(expr.args[0]), code) if isinstance(func, Subroutine): code = 'call {0}'.format(code) return code return self._print(expr.args[0]) + '%' +self._print(expr.args[1]) def _print_DottedName(self, expr): return ' % '.join(self._print(n) for n in def _print_Concatinate(self, expr): args = expr.args if expr.is_list: code = ','.join(self._print(a) for a in expr.args) return '[' + code + ']' else: code = '//'.join('trim('+self._print(a)+')' for a in expr.args) return code def _print_Lambda(self, expr): return '"{args} -> {expr}"'.format(args=expr.variables, expr=expr.expr) def _print_ZerosLike(self, expr): lhs = self._print(expr.lhs) rhs = self._print(expr.rhs) if isinstance(expr.rhs, IndexedElement): shape = [] for i in expr.rhs.indices: if isinstance(i, Slice): shape.append(i) rank = len(shape) else: rank = expr.rhs.rank rs = [] for i in range(1, rank+1): l = 'lbound({0},{1})'.format(rhs, str(i)) u = 'ubound({0},{1})'.format(rhs, str(i)) r = '{0}:{1}'.format(l, u) rs.append(r) shape = ', '.join(self._print(i) for i in rs) init_value = self._print(expr.init_value) code = ('allocate({lhs}({shape}))\n' '{lhs} = {init_value}').format(lhs=lhs, shape=shape, init_value=init_value) return self._get_statement(code) def _print_SumFunction(self, expr): return str(expr) def _print_Len(self, expr): return 'size(%s,1)'%(self._print(expr.arg)) def _print_Sum(self, expr): return expr.fprint(self._print) def _print_Shape(self, expr): return expr.fprint(self._print) def _print_Zeros(self, expr): return expr.fprint(self._print) def _print_Array(self, expr): return expr.fprint(self._print) def _print_Int(self, expr): return expr.fprint(self._print) def _print_Real(self, expr): return expr.fprint(self._print) def _print_Rand(self, expr): return expr.fprint(self._print) def _print_Min(self, expr): args = expr.args if len(args) == 1: arg = args[0] code = 'minval({0})'.format(self._print(arg)) else: code = ','.join(self._print(arg) for arg in args) code = 'min('+code+')' return self._get_statement(code) def _print_Max(self, expr): args = expr.args args = ','.join(self._print(arg) for arg in args) code = 'max({0})'.format(args) return self._get_statement(code) def _print_Dot(self, expr): return self._get_statement('dot_product(%s,%s)'%(self._print(expr.expr_l), self._print(expr.expr_r))) def _print_Ceil(self, expr): return self._get_statement('ceiling(%s)'%(self._print(expr.rhs))) def _print_Mod(self, expr): args = ','.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.args) return 'modulo({})'.format(args) def _print_Sign(self, expr): # TODO use the appropriate precision from rhs return self._get_statement('sign(1.0d0,%s)'%(self._print(expr.rhs))) # ... MACROS def _print_MacroShape(self, expr): var = expr.argument if not isinstance(var, (Variable, IndexedElement)): raise TypeError('Expecting a variable, given {}'.format(type(var))) shape = None if isinstance(var, Variable): shape = var.shape if shape is None: rank = var.rank shape = [] for i in range(0, rank): l = 'lbound({var},{i})'.format(var=self._print(var), i=self._print(i+1)) u = 'ubound({var},{i})'.format(var=self._print(var), i=self._print(i+1)) s = '{u}-{l}+1'.format(u=u, l=l) shape.append(s) if len(shape) == 1: shape = shape[0] elif not(expr.index is None): if expr.index < len(shape): shape = shape[expr.index] else: shape = '1' code = '{}'.format(self._print(shape)) return self._get_statement(code) # ... def _print_MacroType(self, expr): dtype = self._print(expr.argument.dtype) prec = expr.argument.precision if dtype == 'integer': if prec==4: return 'MPI_INT' else: raise NotImplementedError('TODO') elif dtype == 'real': if prec==8: return 'MPI_DOUBLE' if prec==4: return 'MPI_FLOAT' else: raise NotImplementedError('TODO') else: raise NotImplementedError('TODO') def _print_MacroCount(self, expr): var = expr.argument #TODO calculate size when type is pointer # it must work according to fortran documentation # but it raises somehow an error when it's a pointer # and shape is None if isinstance(var, Variable): shape = var.shape if not isinstance(shape,(tuple,list,Tuple)): shape = [shape] rank = len(shape) if shape is None: return 'size({})'.format(self._print(var)) elif isinstance(var, IndexedElement): _shape = var.base.shape if _shape is None: return 'size({})'.format(self._print(var)) shape = [] for (s, i) in zip(_shape, var.indices): if isinstance(i, Slice): if i.start is None and i.end is None: shape.append(s) elif i.start is None: if (isinstance(i.end, (int, sp_Integer)) and i.end>0) or not(isinstance(i.end, (int, sp_Integer))): shape.append(i.end) elif i.end is None: if (isinstance(i.start, (int, sp_Integer)) and i.start<s-1) or not(isinstance(i.start, (int, sp_Integer))): shape.append(s-i.start) else: shape.append(i.end-i.start+1) rank = len(shape) else: raise NotImplementedError('TODO') if rank == 0: return '1' return str(functools.reduce(operator.mul, shape )) def _print_Declare(self, expr): # ... ignored declarations # we don't print the declaration if iterable object if is_iterable_datatype(expr.dtype): return '' if is_with_construct_datatype(expr.dtype): return '' if isinstance(expr.dtype, NativeSymbol): return '' if isinstance(expr.dtype, (NativeRange, NativeTensor)): return '' # meta-variables if (isinstance(expr.variable, Variable) and str('__')): return '' # ... # ... TODO improve # Group the variables by intent var = expr.variable arg_types = type(var) rank = var.rank allocatable = var.allocatable shape = var.shape is_pointer = var.is_pointer is_target = var.is_target is_polymorphic = var.is_polymorphic is_optional = var.is_optional is_static = expr.static intent = expr.intent if isinstance(shape, tuple) and len(shape) ==1: shape = shape[0] # ... # ... print datatype if isinstance(expr.dtype, CustomDataType): dtype = expr.dtype name = dtype.__class__.__name__ prefix = dtype.prefix alias = dtype.alias if not var.is_polymorphic: sig = 'type' elif dtype.is_polymorphic: sig = 'class' else: sig = 'type' if alias is None: name = name.replace(prefix, '') else: name = alias dtype = '{0}({1})'.format(sig, name) else: dtype = self._print(expr.dtype) # ... if isinstance(expr.dtype, NativeString): if expr.intent: dtype = dtype[:9] +'(len =*)' #TODO improve ,this is the case of character as argument else: dtype += '(kind={0})'.format(str(expr.variable.precision)) code_value = '' if expr.value: code_value = ' = {0}'.format(expr.value) decs = [] vstr = self._print( # arrays are 0-based in pyccel, to avoid ambiguity with range s = '0' e = '' enable_alloc = True if not(is_static) and (allocatable or (var.shape is None)): s = '' rankstr = '' allocatablestr = '' # TODO improve if ((rank == 1) and (isinstance(shape, (int, sp_Integer, Variable, Add))) and (not(allocatable or is_pointer) or is_static)): rankstr = '({0}:{1})'.format(self._print(s), self._print(shape-1)) enable_alloc = False elif ((rank > 0) and (isinstance(shape, (Tuple, tuple))) and (is_target or not(allocatable or is_pointer) or is_static)): #TODO fix bug when we inclue shape of type list rankstr = ','.join('{0}:{1}'.format(self._print(s), self._print(i-1)) for i in shape) rankstr = '({rank})'.format(rank=rankstr) enable_alloc = False elif (rank > 0) and allocatable and intent: rankstr = ','.join('0:' for f in range(0, rank)) rankstr = '(' + rankstr + ')' elif (rank > 0) and (allocatable or is_pointer): rankstr = ','.join(':' for f in range(0, rank)) rankstr = '(' + rankstr + ')' # else: # raise NotImplementedError('Not treated yet') if not is_static: if is_pointer: allocatablestr = ', pointer' elif is_target: allocatablestr = ', target' elif allocatable and not intent: allocatablestr = ', allocatable' optionalstr = '' if is_optional: optionalstr = ', optional' allocatablestr = allocatablestr + optionalstr if intent: decs.append('{0}, intent({1}) {2} :: {3} {4}'. format(dtype, intent, allocatablestr, vstr, rankstr)) else: args = [dtype, allocatablestr, vstr, rankstr, code_value] decs.append('{0}{1} :: {2} {3} {4}'. format(*args)) return '\n'.join(decs) def _print_AliasAssign(self, expr): code = '' lhs = expr.lhs rhs = expr.rhs if isinstance(rhs, Dlist): return 'allocate({lhs}(0:{length}-1))\n {lhs} = {init_value}'.format( lhs = self._print(lhs), length=self._print(rhs.length), init_value=self._print(rhs.val)) # TODO improve op = '=>' if isinstance(lhs, Variable) and (lhs.rank > 0) and (not lhs.is_pointer or not isinstance(rhs, Atom)): if not isinstance(rhs, Atom) and not isinstance(rhs, Indexed): # case of rhs an expression and lhs is pointer we then allocate the memory for it for i in list(preorder_traversal(rhs)): if isinstance(i, (Variable, DottedVariable)) and i.rank>0: rhs = i break #TODO improve we only need to allocate the variable without setting it to zero stmt = ZerosLike(lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs) code += self._print(stmt) code += '\n' op = '=' code += '{lhs} {op} {rhs}'.format(lhs=self._print(expr.lhs), op=op, rhs=self._print(expr.rhs)) return self._get_statement(code) def _print_CodeBlock(self, expr): return '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.body) def _print_Assign(self, expr): lhs_code = self._print(expr.lhs) is_procedure = False # we don't print Range, Tensor # TODO treat the case of iterable classes if isinstance(expr.rhs, NINF): rhs_code = '-Huge({0})'.format(lhs_code) return '{0} = {1}'.format(lhs_code, rhs_code) if isinstance(expr.rhs, INF): rhs_code = 'Huge({0})'.format(lhs_code) return '{0} = {1}'.format(lhs_code, rhs_code) if isinstance(expr.rhs, (Range, Product)): return '' if isinstance(expr.rhs, Len): rhs_code = self._print(expr.rhs) return '{0} = {1}'.format(lhs_code, rhs_code) if isinstance(expr.rhs, (Int, Real, Complex)): lhs = self._print(expr.lhs) rhs = expr.rhs.fprint(self._print) return '{0} = {1}'.format(lhs,rhs) if isinstance(expr.rhs, (Zeros, Array, Shape)): return expr.rhs.fprint(self._print, expr.lhs) if isinstance(expr.rhs, ZerosLike): return self._print(ZerosLike(lhs=expr.lhs,rhs=expr.rhs.rhs)) if isinstance(expr.rhs, Mod): lhs = self._print(expr.lhs) args = ','.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.rhs.args) rhs = 'modulo({})'.format(args) return '{0} = {1}'.format(lhs,rhs) elif isinstance(expr.rhs, Shape): a = expr.rhs.rhs lhs = self._print(expr.lhs) rhs = self._print(a) if isinstance(a, IndexedElement): shape = [] for i in a.indices: if isinstance(i, Slice): shape.append(i) rank = len(shape) else: rank = a.rank code = 'allocate({0}(0:{1}-1)) ; {0} = 0'.format(lhs, rank) rs = [] for i in range(0, rank): l = 'lbound({0},{1})'.format(rhs, str(i+1)) u = 'ubound({0},{1})'.format(rhs, str(i+1)) r = '{3}({2}) = {1}-{0}'.format(l, u, str(i), lhs) rs.append(r) sizes = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in rs) code = '{0}\n{1}'.format(code, sizes) return self._get_statement(code) elif isinstance(expr.rhs, FunctionDef): rhs_code = self._print( is_procedure = expr.rhs.is_procedure elif isinstance(expr.rhs, ConstructorCall): func = expr.rhs.func name = str( # TODO uncomment later # # we don't print the constructor call if iterable object # if this.dtype.is_iterable: # return '' # # # we don't print the constructor call if with construct object # if this.dtype.is_with_construct: # return '' if name == "__init__": name = "create" rhs_code = self._print(name) rhs_code = '{0} % {1}'.format(lhs_code, rhs_code) #TODO use is_procedure property is_procedure = (expr.rhs.kind == 'procedure') code_args = ', '.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.rhs.arguments) return 'call {0}({1})'.format(rhs_code, code_args) elif isinstance(expr.rhs, Function): # in the case of a function that returns a list, # we should append them to the procedure arguments name = type(expr.rhs).__name__ rhs_code = self._print(name) args = expr.rhs.args code_args = ', '.join(self._print(i) for i in args) if isinstance(expr.lhs, (tuple, list, Tuple)): lhs_code = ', '.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.lhs) code = 'call {0}({1}, {2})'.format(rhs_code, code_args, lhs_code) return self._get_statement(code) rhs_code = '{0}({1})'.format(rhs_code, code_args) code = '{0} = {1}'.format(lhs_code, rhs_code) return self._get_statement(code) elif (isinstance(expr.lhs, Variable) and expr.lhs.dtype == NativeSymbol()): return '' else: rhs_code = self._print(expr.rhs) # print("ASSIGN = ", rhs_code) code = '' if (expr.status == 'unallocated') and not ( is None): stmt = ZerosLike(lhs=lhs_code, code += self._print(stmt) code += '\n' if not is_procedure: code += '{0} = {1}'.format(lhs_code, rhs_code) # else: # code_args = '' # func = expr.rhs # # func here is of instance FunctionCall # cls_name = func.func.cls_name # keys = func.func.arguments # # for MPI statements, we need to add the lhs as the last argument # # TODO improve # if isinstance(func.func, MPI): # if not func.arguments: # code_args = lhs_code # else: # code_args = ', '.join(self._print(i) for i in func.arguments) # code_args = '{0}, {1}'.format(code_args, lhs_code) # else: # _ij_print = lambda i, j: '{0}={1}'.format(self._print(i), \ # self._print(j)) # # code_args = ', '.join(_ij_print(i, j) \ # for i, j in zip(keys, func.arguments)) # if (not func.arguments is None) and (len(func.arguments) > 0): # if (not cls_name): # code_args = ', '.join(self._print(i) for i in func.arguments) # code_args = '{0}, {1}'.format(code_args, lhs_code) # else: # print('code_args > {0}'.format(code_args)) # code = 'call {0}({1})'.format(rhs_code, code_args) return self._get_statement(code) def _print_NativeBool(self, expr): return 'logical' def _print_NativeInteger(self, expr): return 'integer' def _print_NativeReal(self, expr): return 'real' def _print_NativeComplex(self, expr): return 'complex' def _print_BooleanTrue(self, expr): return '.true.' def _print_BooleanFalse(self, expr): return '.false.' def _print_NativeString(self, expr): return 'character(len=280)' #TODO fix improve later def _print_DataType(self, expr): return self._print( def _print_Equality(self, expr): return '{0} == {1} '.format(self._print(expr.lhs), self._print(expr.rhs)) def _print_Unequality(self, expr): return '{0} /= {1} '.format(self._print(expr.lhs), self._print(expr.rhs)) def _print_BooleanTrue(self, expr): return '.True.' def _print_BooleanFalse(self, expr): return '.False.' def _print_String(self, expr): return expr.arg def _print_Interface(self, expr): # ... we don't print 'hidden' functions name = self._print( if expr.functions[0].cls_name: for k, m in list(_default_methods.items()): name = name.replace(k, m) cls_name = expr.cls_name if not (cls_name == '__UNDEFINED__'): name = '{0}_{1}'.format(cls_name, name) else: for i in _default_methods: # because we may have a class Point with init: Point___init__ if i in name: name = name.replace(i, _default_methods[i]) interface = 'interface ' + name +'\n' functions = [] for f in expr.functions: interface += 'module procedure ' + str('\n' interface += 'end interface\n' return interface # def _print_With(self, expr): # test = 'call '+self._print(expr.test) + '%__enter__()' # body = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.body) # end = 'call '+self._print(expr.test) + '%__exit__()' # code = ('{test}\n' # '{body}\n' # '{end}').format(test=test, body=body, end=end) #TODO return code later # expr.block # return '' def _print_Block(self, expr): decs=[] for i in expr.variables: dec = Declare(i.dtype, i) decs += [dec] body = expr.body body_code = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in body) prelude = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in decs) #case of no local variables if len(decs) == 0: return body_code return ('{name} : Block\n' '{prelude}\n' '{body}\n' 'end Block {name}').format(, prelude=prelude, body=body_code) def _print_FunctionDef(self, expr): # ... we don't print 'hidden' functions if expr.hide: return '' # ... name = self._print( is_static = expr.is_static if expr.cls_name: for k, m in list(_default_methods.items()): name = name.replace(k, m) cls_name = expr.cls_name if not (cls_name == '__UNDEFINED__'): name = '{0}_{1}'.format(cls_name, name) else: for i in _default_methods: # because we may have a class Point with init: Point___init__ if i in name: name = name.replace(i, _default_methods[i]) out_args = [] decs = OrderedDict() args_decs = OrderedDict() # ... local variables declarations for i in expr.local_vars: dec = Declare(i.dtype, i) decs[str(i)] = dec # ... # ... body = expr.body func_end = '' if not expr.is_procedure: result = expr.results[0] # TODO uncomment and validate this # expr = subs(expr, result, str( body = [] functions = [] for stmt in expr.body: if isinstance(stmt, Declare): pass elif isinstance(stmt, FunctionDef): functions += [stmt] elif not isinstance(stmt, list): # for list of Results body.append(stmt) ret_type = self._print(result.dtype) ret_type += '(kind={0})'.format(str(result.precision)) func_type = 'function' rec = '' if expr.is_recursive: rec = 'recursive ' if result.allocatable or (result.rank > 0): sig = '{0}function {1}'.format(rec, name) var = Variable(result.dtype,, \ rank=result.rank, \ allocatable=True, \ shape=result.shape) dec = Declare(result.dtype, var) args_decs[str(var)] = dec else: sig = '{0} {1}function {2}'.format(ret_type, rec, name) func_end = ' result({0})'.format( else: # TODO compute intent # a static function is always treated as a procedure #TODO improve for functions without return out_args = [result for result in expr.results] for result in expr.results: if result in expr.arguments: dec = Declare(result.dtype, result, intent='inout', static=is_static) else: dec = Declare(result.dtype, result, intent='out', static=is_static) args_decs[str(result)] = dec sig = 'subroutine ' + name func_type = 'subroutine' names = [str( for res in expr.results] body = [] functions = [] for stmt in expr.body: if isinstance(stmt, Declare): pass elif isinstance(stmt, FunctionDef): functions += [stmt] elif not isinstance(stmt, Return): body.append(stmt) elif isinstance(stmt,Return): body += [stmt] # ... TODO improve to treat variables that are assigned within blocks: if, etc symbols = get_assigned_symbols(expr.body) assigned_names = [str(i) for i in symbols] # ... results_names = [str(i) for i in expr.results] for arg in expr.arguments: if str(arg) in results_names + assigned_names: dec = Declare(arg.dtype, arg, intent='inout', static=is_static) elif str(arg) == 'self': dec = Declare(arg.dtype, arg, intent='inout', static=is_static) else: dec = Declare(arg.dtype, arg, intent='in', static=is_static) args_decs[str(arg)] = dec args_decs.update(decs) decs = [v for k,v in args_decs.items()] #remove parametres intent(inout) from out_args to prevent repetition for i in expr.arguments: if i in out_args: out_args.remove(i) arg_code = ', '.join(self._print(i) for i in chain( expr.arguments, out_args )) body_code = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in body) prelude = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in decs) if len(functions)>0: functions_code = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in functions) body_code = body_code +'\ncontains \n' +functions_code body_code = prelude + '\n\n' + body_code imports = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.imports) return ('{0}({1}) {2}\n' '{3}\n' 'implicit none\n' # 'integer, parameter:: dp=kind(0.d0)\n' '{4}\n' 'end {5}').format(sig, arg_code, func_end, imports, body_code, func_type) def _print_Pass(self, expr): return '' def _print_Nil(self, expr): return '' def _print_Return(self, expr): code = '' if expr.stmt: code += self._print(expr.stmt)+'\n' code +='return' return code def _print_Del(self, expr): # TODO: treate class case code = '' for var in expr.variables: if isinstance(var, Variable): dtype = var.dtype if is_pyccel_datatype(dtype): code = 'call {0} % free()'.format(self._print(var)) else: code = 'deallocate({0}){1}'.format(self._print(var), code) else: msg = 'Only Variable is treated.' msg += ' Given {0}'.format(type(var)) raise NotImplementedError(msg) return code def _print_ClassDef(self, expr): # ... we don't print 'hidden' classes if expr.hide: return '', '' # ... name = self._print( base = None # TODO: add base in ClassDef decs = '\n'.join(self._print(Declare(i.dtype, i)) for i in expr.attributes) aliases = [] names = [] ls = [self._print( for i in expr.methods] for i in ls: j = i if i in _default_methods: j = _default_methods[i] aliases.append(j) names.append('{0}_{1}'.format(name, self._print(j))) methods = '\n'.join('procedure :: {0} => {1}'.format(i, j) for i, j in zip(aliases, names)) for i in expr.interfaces: names = ','.join('{0}_{1}'.format(name, self._print( for j in i.functions) methods += '\ngeneric, public :: {0} => {1}'.format(self._print(, names) methods += '\nprocedure :: {0}'.format(names) options = ', '.join(i for i in expr.options) sig = 'type, {0}'.format(options) if not(base is None): sig = '{0}, extends({1})'.format(sig, base) code = ('{0} :: {1}').format(sig, name) if len(decs) > 0: code = ('{0}\n' '{1}').format(code, decs) if len(methods) > 0: code = ('{0}\n' 'contains\n' '{1}').format(code, methods) decs = ('{0}\n' 'end type {1}').format(code, name) sep = self._print(SeparatorComment(40)) # we rename all methods because of the aliasing cls_methods = [i.rename('{0}'.format( for i in expr.methods] for i in expr.interfaces: cls_methods += [j.rename('{0}'.format( for j in i.functions] methods = '' for i in cls_methods: methods = ('{methods}\n' '{sep}\n' '{f}\n' '{sep}\n').format(methods=methods, sep=sep, f=self._print(i)) return decs, methods def _print_Break(self, expr): return 'exit' def _print_Continue(self, expr): return 'cycle' def _print_AugAssign(self, expr): lhs = expr.lhs op = expr.op rhs = expr.rhs strict = expr.strict status = expr.status like = if isinstance(op, AddOp): rhs = lhs + rhs elif isinstance(op, MulOp): rhs = lhs * rhs elif isinstance(op, SubOp): rhs = lhs - rhs # TODO fix bug with division of integers elif isinstance(op, DivOp): rhs = lhs / rhs else: raise ValueError('Unrecongnized operation', op) stmt = Assign(lhs, rhs, strict=strict, status=status, like=like) return self._print(stmt) def _print_Range(self, expr): start = self._print(expr.start) stop = self._print(expr.stop-1) step = self._print(expr.step) return '{0}, {1}, {2}'.format(start, stop, step) def _print_Tile(self, expr): start = self._print(expr.start) stop = self._print(expr.stop) return '{0}, {1}'.format(start, stop) def _print_FunctionalFor(self, expr): allocate = '' if and len(>0: allocate = ','.join('0:{0}'.format(str(i)) for i in allocate ='allocate({0}({1}))\n'.format(, allocate) loops = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.loops) return allocate + loops def _print_For(self, expr): prolog = '' epilog = '' # ... def _do_range(target, iter, prolog, epilog): if not isinstance(iter, Range): msg = "Only iterable currently supported is Range" raise NotImplementedError(msg) tar = self._print(target) range_code = self._print(iter) prolog += 'do {0} = {1}\n'.format(tar, range_code) epilog = 'end do\n' + epilog return prolog, epilog # ... # ... def _iprint(i): if isinstance(i, Block): _prelude, _body = self._print_Block(i) return '{0}'.format(_body) else: return '{0}'.format(self._print(i)) # ... if not isinstance(expr.iterable, (Range, Product , Zip, Enumerate, Map)): msg = "Only iterable currently supported are Range, " msg += "Product" raise NotImplementedError(msg) if isinstance(expr.iterable, Range): prolog, epilog = _do_range(, expr.iterable, \ prolog, epilog) elif isinstance(expr.iterable, Product): for i, a in zip(, expr.iterable.args): itr_ = Range(a.shape[0]) prolog, epilog = _do_range(i, itr_, \ prolog, epilog) elif isinstance(expr.iterable, Zip): itr_ = Range(expr.iterable.element.shape[0]) prolog, epilog = _do_range(, itr_, \ prolog, epilog) elif isinstance(expr.iterable, Enumerate): itr_ = Range(Len(expr.iterable.element)) prolog, epilog = _do_range(, itr_, \ prolog, epilog) elif isinstance(expr.iterable, Map): itr_ = Range(Len(expr.iterable.args[1])) prolog, epilog = _do_range(, itr_, \ prolog, epilog) body = '\n'.join(_iprint(i) for i in expr.body) return ('{prolog}' '{body}\n' '{epilog}').format(prolog=prolog, body=body, epilog=epilog) # ..................................................... # OpenMP statements # ..................................................... def _print_OMP_Parallel(self, expr): clauses = ' '.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.clauses) body = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.body) # ... TODO adapt get_statement to have continuation with OpenMP prolog = '!$omp parallel {clauses}\n'.format(clauses=clauses) epilog = '!$omp end parallel\n' # ... # ... code = ('{prolog}' '{body}\n' '{epilog}').format(prolog=prolog, body=body, epilog=epilog) # ... return self._get_statement(code) def _print_OMP_For(self, expr): # ... loop = self._print(expr.loop) clauses = ' '.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.clauses) nowait = '' if not(expr.nowait is None): nowait = 'nowait' # ... # ... TODO adapt get_statement to have continuation with OpenMP prolog = '!$omp do {clauses}\n'.format(clauses=clauses) epilog = '!$omp end do {0}\n'.format(nowait) # ... # ... code = ('{prolog}' '{loop}\n' '{epilog}').format(prolog=prolog, loop=loop, epilog=epilog) # ... return self._get_statement(code) def _print_OMP_NumThread(self, expr): return 'num_threads({})'.format(self._print(expr.num_threads)) def _print_OMP_Default(self, expr): status = expr.status if status: status = self._print(expr.status) else: status = '' return 'default({})'.format(status) def _print_OMP_ProcBind(self, expr): status = expr.status if status: status = self._print(expr.status) else: status = '' return 'proc_bind({})'.format(status) def _print_OMP_Private(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'private({})'.format(args) def _print_OMP_Shared(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'shared({})'.format(args) def _print_OMP_FirstPrivate(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'firstprivate({})'.format(args) def _print_OMP_LastPrivate(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'lastprivate({})'.format(args) def _print_OMP_Copyin(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'copyin({})'.format(args) def _print_OMP_Reduction(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) op = self._print(expr.operation) return "reduction({0}: {1})".format(op, args) def _print_OMP_Schedule(self, expr): kind = self._print(expr.kind) chunk_size = '' if expr.chunk_size: chunk_size = ', {0}'.format(self._print(expr.chunk_size)) return 'schedule({0}{1})'.format(kind, chunk_size) def _print_OMP_Ordered(self, expr): n_loops = '' if expr.n_loops: n_loops = '({0})'.format(self._print(expr.n_loops)) return 'ordered{0}'.format(n_loops) def _print_OMP_Collapse(self, expr): n_loops = '{0}'.format(self._print(expr.n_loops)) return 'collapse({0})'.format(n_loops) def _print_OMP_Linear(self, expr): variables= ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) step = self._print(expr.step) return "linear({0}: {1})".format(variables, step) def _print_OMP_If(self, expr): return 'if({})'.format(self._print(expr.test)) # ..................................................... # ..................................................... # OpenACC statements # ..................................................... def _print_ACC_Parallel(self, expr): clauses = ' '.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.clauses) body = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.body) # ... TODO adapt get_statement to have continuation with OpenACC prolog = '!$acc parallel {clauses}\n'.format(clauses=clauses) epilog = '!$acc end parallel\n' # ... # ... code = ('{prolog}' '{body}\n' '{epilog}').format(prolog=prolog, body=body, epilog=epilog) # ... return self._get_statement(code) def _print_ACC_For(self, expr): # ... loop = self._print(expr.loop) clauses = ' '.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.clauses) # ... # ... TODO adapt get_statement to have continuation with OpenACC prolog = '!$acc loop {clauses}\n'.format(clauses=clauses) epilog = '!$acc end loop\n' # ... # ... code = ('{prolog}' '{loop}\n' '{epilog}').format(prolog=prolog, loop=loop, epilog=epilog) # ... return self._get_statement(code) def _print_ACC_Async(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'async({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_Auto(self, expr): return 'auto' def _print_ACC_Bind(self, expr): return 'bind({})'.format(self._print(expr.variable)) def _print_ACC_Collapse(self, expr): return 'collapse({0})'.format(self._print(expr.n_loops)) def _print_ACC_Copy(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'copy({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_Copyin(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'copyin({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_Copyout(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'copyout({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_Create(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'create({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_Default(self, expr): return 'default({})'.format(self._print(expr.status)) def _print_ACC_DefaultAsync(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'default_async({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_Delete(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'delete({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_Device(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'device({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_DeviceNum(self, expr): return 'collapse({0})'.format(self._print(expr.n_device)) def _print_ACC_DevicePtr(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'deviceptr({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_DeviceResident(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'device_resident({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_DeviceType(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'device_type({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_Finalize(self, expr): return 'finalize' def _print_ACC_FirstPrivate(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'firstprivate({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_Gang(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'gang({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_Host(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'host({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_If(self, expr): return 'if({})'.format(self._print(expr.test)) def _print_ACC_Independent(self, expr): return 'independent' def _print_ACC_Link(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'link({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_NoHost(self, expr): return 'nohost' def _print_ACC_NumGangs(self, expr): return 'num_gangs({0})'.format(self._print(expr.n_gang)) def _print_ACC_NumWorkers(self, expr): return 'num_workers({0})'.format(self._print(expr.n_worker)) def _print_ACC_Present(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'present({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_Private(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'private({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_Reduction(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) op = self._print(expr.operation) return "reduction({0}: {1})".format(op, args) def _print_ACC_Self(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'self({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_Seq(self, expr): return 'seq' def _print_ACC_Tile(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'tile({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_UseDevice(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'use_device({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_Vector(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'vector({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_VectorLength(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'vector_length({})'.format(self._print(expr.n)) def _print_ACC_Wait(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'wait({})'.format(args) def _print_ACC_Worker(self, expr): args = ', '.join('{0}'.format(self._print(i)) for i in expr.variables) return 'worker({})'.format(args) # ..................................................... def _print_ForIterator(self, expr): return self._print_For(expr) depth = expr.depth prolog = '' epilog = '' code = '' # ... def _do_range(target, iter, prolog, epilog): tar = self._print(target) range_code = self._print(iter) prolog += 'do {0} = {1}\n'.format(tar, range_code) epilog = 'end do\n' + epilog return prolog, epilog # ... # ... def _iprint(i): if isinstance(i, Block): _prelude, _body = self._print_Block(i) return '{0}'.format(_body) else: return '{0}'.format(self._print(i)) # ... # ... if not isinstance(expr.iterable, (Variable, ConstructorCall)): raise TypeError('iterable must be Variable or ConstructorCall.') # ... # ... targets = if isinstance(expr.iterable, Variable): iters = expr.ranges elif isinstance(expr.iterable, ConstructorCall): iters = get_iterable_ranges(expr.iterable) # ... # ... for i,a in zip(targets, iters): prolog, epilog = _do_range(i, a, \ prolog, epilog) body = '\n'.join(_iprint(i) for i in expr.body) # ... return ('{prolog}' '{body}\n' '{epilog}').format(prolog=prolog, body=body, epilog=epilog) #def _print_Block(self, expr): # body = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.body) # prelude = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.declarations) # return prelude, body def _print_While(self,expr): body = '\n'.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.body) return ('do while ({test}) \n' '{body}\n' 'end do').format(test=self._print(expr.test), body=body) def _print_ErrorExit(self, expr): # TODO treat the case of MPI return 'STOP' def _print_Assert(self, expr): # we first create an If statement # TODO: depending on a debug flag we should print 'PASSED' or not. DEBUG = True err = ErrorExit() args = [(Not(expr.test), [Print(["'Assert Failed'"]), err])] if DEBUG: args.append((True, Print(["'PASSED'"]))) stmt = If(*args) code = self._print(stmt) return self._get_statement(code) def _print_Is(self, expr): if not isinstance(expr.rhs, Nil): raise NotImplementedError('Only None rhs is allowed in Is statement') lhs = self._print(expr.lhs) return 'present({})'.format(lhs) def _print_If(self, expr): # ... def _iprint(i): if isinstance(i, Block): _prelude, _body = self._print_Block(i) return '{0}'.format(_body) else: return '{0}'.format(self._print(i)) # ... lines = [] for i, (c, e) in enumerate(expr.args): if i == 0: lines.append("if (%s) then" % _iprint(c)) elif i == len(expr.args) - 1 and c == True: lines.append("else") else: lines.append("else if (%s) then" % _iprint(c)) if isinstance(e, (list, tuple, Tuple)): for ee in e: lines.append(_iprint(ee)) else: lines.append(_iprint(e)) lines.append("end if") return "\n".join(lines) def _print_MatrixElement(self, expr): return "{0}({1}, {2})".format(expr.parent, expr.i + 1, expr.j + 1) def _print_Add(self, expr): # purpose: print complex numbers nicely in Fortran. # collect the purely real and purely imaginary parts: pure_real = [] pure_imaginary = [] mixed = [] for arg in expr.args: if arg.is_number and arg.is_real: pure_real.append(arg) elif arg.is_number and arg.is_imaginary: pure_imaginary.append(arg) else: mixed.append(arg) if len(pure_imaginary) > 0: if len(mixed) > 0: PREC = precedence(expr) term = Add(*mixed) t = self._print(term) if t.startswith('-'): sign = "-" t = t[1:] else: sign = "+" if precedence(term) < PREC: t = "(%s)" % t return "cmplx(%s,%s) %s %s" % ( self._print(Add(*pure_real)), self._print(-S.ImaginaryUnit*Add(*pure_imaginary)), sign, t, ) else: return "cmplx(%s,%s)" % ( self._print(Add(*pure_real)), self._print(-S.ImaginaryUnit*Add(*pure_imaginary)), ) else: return CodePrinter._print_Add(self, expr) def _print_Header(self, expr): return '' def _print_ConstructorCall(self, expr): func = expr.func name = if name == "__init__": name = "create" name = self._print(name) code_args = '' if not(expr.arguments) is None: code_args = ', '.join(self._print(i) for i in expr.arguments) code = '{0}({1})'.format(name, code_args) return self._get_statement(code) def _print_Function(self, expr): args = expr.args name = type(expr).__name__ code_args = ', '.join(self._print(i) for i in args) code = '{0}({1})'.format(name, code_args) if isinstance(expr.func, Subroutine): code = 'call ' + code return self._get_statement(code) def _print_ImaginaryUnit(self, expr): # purpose: print complex numbers nicely in Fortran. return "cmplx(0,1)" def _print_int(self, expr): return str(expr) def _print_Mul(self, expr): # purpose: print complex numbers nicely in Fortran. if expr.is_number and expr.is_imaginary: return "cmplx(0,%s)" % ( self._print(-S.ImaginaryUnit*expr) ) else: return CodePrinter._print_Mul(self, expr) def _print_Pow(self, expr): PREC = precedence(expr) if expr.exp == -1: one = sp_Float(1.0) code = '{0}/{1}'.format(self._print(one), \ self.parenthesize(expr.base, PREC)) return code elif expr.exp == 0.5: if expr.base.is_integer: # Fortan intrinsic sqrt() does not accept integer argument if expr.base.is_Number: return 'sqrt(%s.0d0)' % self._print(expr.base) else: return 'sqrt(dble(%s))' % self._print(expr.base) else: return 'sqrt(%s)' % self._print(expr.base) else: return CodePrinter._print_Pow(self, expr) def _print_Float(self, expr): printed = CodePrinter._print_Float(self, expr) e = printed.find('e') if e > -1: return "%sd%s" % (printed[:e], printed[e + 1:]) return "%sd0" % printed def _print_IndexedBase(self, expr): return self._print( def _print_Indexed(self, expr): inds = [i for i in expr.indices] #indices of indexedElement of len==1 shouldn't be a Tuple for i, ind in enumerate(inds): if isinstance(ind, Tuple) and len(ind) == 1: inds[i] = ind[0] inds = [self._print(i) for i in inds] return "%s(%s)" % (self._print(expr.base.label), ", ".join(inds)) def _print_Idx(self, expr): return self._print(expr.label) def _print_Slice(self, expr): if expr.start is None or isinstance(expr.start, Nil): start = '' else: start = self._print(expr.start) if (expr.end is None) or isinstance(expr.end, Nil): end = '' else: end = expr.end - 1 end = self._print(end) return '{0}:{1}'.format(start, end) def _pad_leading_columns(self, lines): result = [] for line in lines: if line.startswith('!'): result.append("! " + line[1:].lstrip()) else: result.append(line) return result def _wrap_fortran(self, lines): """Wrap long Fortran lines Argument: lines -- a list of lines (without \\n character) A comment line is split at white space. Code lines are split with a more complex rule to give nice results. """ # routine to find split point in a code line my_alnum = set("_+-." + string.digits + string.ascii_letters) my_white = set(" \t()") def split_pos_code(line, endpos): if len(line) <= endpos: return len(line) pos = endpos split = lambda pos: \ (line[pos] in my_alnum and line[pos - 1] not in my_alnum) or \ (line[pos] not in my_alnum and line[pos - 1] in my_alnum) or \ (line[pos] in my_white and line[pos - 1] not in my_white) or \ (line[pos] not in my_white and line[pos - 1] in my_white) while not split(pos): pos -= 1 if pos == 0: return endpos return pos # split line by line and add the splitted lines to result result = [] trailing = ' &' for line in lines: if line.startswith("! "): # comment line if len(line) > 72: pos = line.rfind(" ", 6, 72) if pos == -1: pos = 72 hunk = line[:pos] line = line[pos:].lstrip() result.append(hunk) while len(line) > 0: pos = line.rfind(" ", 0, 66) if pos == -1 or len(line) < 66: pos = 66 hunk = line[:pos] line = line[pos:].lstrip() result.append("%s%s" % ("! ", hunk)) else: result.append(line) elif (line[72:].count("'" )+line[72:].count('"'))%2-1: # code line pos = split_pos_code(line, 72) hunk = line[:pos].rstrip() line = line[pos:].lstrip() if line: hunk += trailing result.append(hunk) while len(line) > 0: pos = split_pos_code(line, 65) hunk = line[:pos].rstrip() line = line[pos:].lstrip() if line: hunk += trailing result.append("%s%s"%(" " , hunk)) else: # we don't seperate lines in those cases mentioned above #TODO improve find the postion of the caractere and split there result.append(line) return result
[docs] def indent_code(self, code): """Accepts a string of code or a list of code lines""" if isinstance(code, string_types): code_lines = self.indent_code(code.splitlines(True)) return ''.join(code_lines) code = [line.lstrip(' \t') for line in code] inc_keyword = ('do ', 'if(', 'if ', 'do\n', 'else', 'type', 'subroutine', 'function') dec_keyword = ('end do', 'enddo', 'end if', 'endif', 'else', 'endtype', 'end type', 'endfunction', 'end function', 'endsubroutine', 'end subroutine') increase = [int(any(map(line.startswith, inc_keyword))) for line in code] decrease = [int(any(map(line.startswith, dec_keyword))) for line in code] continuation = [int(any(map(line.endswith, ['&', '&\n']))) for line in code] level = 0 cont_padding = 0 tabwidth = self._default_settings['tabwidth'] new_code = [] for i, line in enumerate(code): if line == '' or line == '\n': new_code.append(line) continue level -= decrease[i] padding = " "*(level*tabwidth + cont_padding) line = "%s%s" % (padding, line) new_code.append(line) if continuation[i]: cont_padding = 2*tabwidth else: cont_padding = 0 level += increase[i] return new_code
[docs]def fcode(expr, assign_to=None, **settings): """Converts an expr to a string of c code expr : Expr A sympy expression to be converted. assign_to : optional When given, the argument is used as the name of the variable to which the expression is assigned. Can be a string, ``Symbol``, ``MatrixSymbol``, or ``Indexed`` type. This is helpful in case of line-wrapping, or for expressions that generate multi-line statements. precision : integer, optional The precision for numbers such as pi [default=15]. user_functions : dict, optional A dictionary where keys are ``FunctionClass`` instances and values are their string representations. Alternatively, the dictionary value can be a list of tuples i.e. [(argument_test, cfunction_string)]. See below for examples. """ return FCodePrinter(settings).doprint(expr, assign_to)