Source code for pyccel.ast.datatypes

# coding: utf-8

from .basic import Basic

from sympy.core.singleton import Singleton
from sympy.core.compatibility import with_metaclass
from sympy import Eq, Ne, Lt, Gt, Le, Ge

default_precision = {'real': 8, 'int': 4, 'complex': 8, 'bool':1}
dtype_and_precsision_registry = {'real':('real',8),
                                 'int8' :('int',1),
                                 'int'  :('int',4),
                                 'bool' :('bool',1)}

[docs]class DataType(with_metaclass(Singleton, Basic)): """Base class representing native datatypes""" _name = '__UNDEFINED__' @property def name(self): return self._name def __str__(self): return str(
[docs]class NativeBool(DataType): _name = 'Bool' pass
[docs]class NativeInteger(DataType): _name = 'Int'
[docs]class NativeReal(DataType): _name = 'Real' pass
[docs]class NativeComplex(DataType): _name = 'Complex' pass
[docs]class NativeString(DataType): _name = 'String' pass
[docs]class NativeVoid(DataType): _name = 'Void' pass
[docs]class NativeNil(DataType): _name = 'Nil' pass
[docs]class NativeList(DataType): _name = 'List' pass
[docs]class NativeIntegerList(NativeInteger, NativeList): _name = 'IntegerList' pass
[docs]class NativeRealList(NativeReal, NativeList): _name = 'RealList' pass
[docs]class NativeComplexList(NativeComplex, NativeList): _name = 'ComplexList' pass
[docs]class NativeRange(DataType): _name = 'Range' pass
[docs]class NativeTensor(DataType): _name = 'Tensor' pass
[docs]class NativeParallelRange(NativeRange): _name = 'ParallelRange' pass
[docs]class NativeSymbol(DataType): _name = 'Symbol' pass
class NdArray(DataType): _name = 'NdArray' pass class NdArrayInt(NdArray, NativeInteger): _name = 'NdArrayInt' pass class NdArrayReal(NdArray, NativeReal): _name = 'NdArrayReal' pass class NdArrayComplex(NdArray, NativeComplex): _name = 'NdArrayComplex' pass # TODO to be removed
[docs]class CustomDataType(DataType): _name = '__UNDEFINED__' def __init__(self, name='__UNDEFINED__'): self._name = name
[docs]class NativeGeneric(DataType): _name = 'Generic' pass
# ...
[docs]class VariableType(DataType): def __init__(self, rhs, alias): self._alias = alias self._rhs = rhs self._name = rhs._name @property def alias(self): return self._alias
[docs]class FunctionType(DataType): def __init__(self, domains): self._domain = domains[0] self._codomain = domains[1:] self._domains = domains self._name = ' -> '.join('{}'.format(V) for V in self._domains) @property def domain(self): return self._domain @property def codomain(self): return self._codomain
# ... Bool = NativeBool() Int = NativeInteger() Real = NativeReal() Complex = NativeComplex() Void = NativeVoid() Nil = NativeNil() String = NativeString() _Symbol = NativeSymbol() IntegerList = NativeIntegerList() RealList = NativeRealList() ComplexList = NativeComplexList() NdArray = NdArray() NdArrayInt = NdArrayInt() NdArrayReal = NdArrayReal() NdArrayComplex = NdArrayComplex() Generic = NativeGeneric() dtype_registry = {'bool': Bool, 'int': Int, 'integer': Int, 'real' : Real, 'complex': Complex, 'void': Void, 'nil': Nil, 'symbol': _Symbol, '*int': IntegerList, '*real': RealList, '*complex': ComplexList, 'ndarrayint': NdArrayInt, 'ndarrayinteger':NdArrayInt, 'ndarrayreal': NdArrayReal, 'ndarraycomplex': NdArrayComplex, '*': Generic, 'str': String}
[docs]class UnionType(Basic): def __new__(cls, args): return Basic.__new__(cls, args) @property def args(self): return self._args[0]
[docs]def DataTypeFactory(name, argnames=["_name"], BaseClass=CustomDataType, prefix=None, alias=None, is_iterable=False, is_with_construct=False, is_polymorphic=True): def __init__(self, **kwargs): for key, value in list(kwargs.items()): # here, the argnames variable is the one passed to the # DataTypeFactory call if key not in argnames: raise TypeError("Argument %s not valid for %s" % (key, self.__class__.__name__)) setattr(self, key, value) BaseClass.__init__(self, name=name[:-len("Class")]) if prefix is None: prefix = 'Pyccel' else: prefix = 'Pyccel{0}'.format(prefix) newclass = type(prefix + name, (BaseClass,), {"__init__": __init__, "_name": name, "prefix": prefix, "alias": alias, "is_iterable": is_iterable, "is_with_construct": is_with_construct, "is_polymorphic": is_polymorphic}) return newclass
[docs]def is_pyccel_datatype(expr): return isinstance(expr, CustomDataType)
# if not isinstance(expr, DataType): # raise TypeError('Expecting a DataType instance') # name = expr.__class__.__name__ # return name.startswith('Pyccel') # TODO improve and remove try/except
[docs]def is_iterable_datatype(dtype): """Returns True if dtype is an iterable class.""" try: if is_pyccel_datatype(dtype): return dtype.is_iterable elif isinstance(dtype, (NativeRange, NativeTensor)): return True else: return False except: return False
[docs]def get_default_value(dtype): """Returns the default value of a native datatype.""" if isinstance(dtype, NativeInteger): value = 0 elif isinstance(dtype, NativeReal): value = 0.0 elif isinstance(dtype, NativeComplex): value = 0.0 elif isinstance(dtype, NativeBool): value = BooleanFalse() else: raise TypeError('Unknown type') return value
# TODO improve and remove try/except
[docs]def is_with_construct_datatype(dtype): """Returns True if dtype is an with_construct class.""" try: if is_pyccel_datatype(dtype): return dtype.is_with_construct else: return False except: return False
# TODO check the use of Reals
[docs]def datatype(arg): """Returns the datatype singleton for the given dtype. arg : str or sympy expression If a str ('bool', 'int', 'real','complex', or 'void'), return the singleton for the corresponding dtype. If a sympy expression, return the datatype that best fits the expression. This is determined from the assumption system. For more control, use the `DataType` class directly. Returns: DataType """ if isinstance(arg, str): if arg.lower() not in dtype_registry: raise ValueError("Unrecognized datatype " + arg) return dtype_registry[arg] if isinstance(arg, DataType): return dtype_registry[] else: raise TypeError('Expecting a DataType')
[docs]def sp_dtype(expr): """ return the datatype of a sympy types expression """ if expr.is_integer: return 'int' elif expr.is_real: return 'real' elif expr.is_complex: return 'complex' elif expr.is_Boolean: return 'bool' elif isinstance(expr,(Eq, Ne, Lt, Gt, Le, Ge)): return 'bool' else: raise TypeError('Unknown datatype {0}'.format(str(expr)))
[docs]def str_dtype(dtype): """ return a sympy datatype as string dtype: str, Native Type """ if isinstance(dtype, str): if dtype == 'int': return 'integer' elif dtype== 'real': return 'real' else: return dtype if isinstance(dtype, NativeInteger): return 'integer' elif isinstance(dtype, NativeReal): return 'real' elif isinstance(dtype, NativeComplex): return 'complex' elif isinstance(dtype, NativeBool): return 'bool' else: raise TypeError('Unknown datatype {0}'.format(str(dtype)))